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Yoongi's tight grip around your ankle left you there hanging onto the ladder trying not to fall.

Although not too shocked by his sudden reappearance, you weren't expecting him to wake up so soon.

"Let go of me!" You shout, relentless kicking as you try to pull yourself up and shake loose from his grip.

"You think you can get away from me, princess?" His grip around your ankle tightens, and you wince from the sharp pain of his nails digging into your skin.

You could sense his malicious intent from the dark and vile tone in his voice.

"You think I won't be able to catch you no matter where you go? Well, think again because you'll never be able to escape me until you both pay for what you've done," he growls from beneath you.

"I hope you rot."

You give one last harsh kick that knocks him off of you and onto the ground below.

Taehyung grabs both of your palms and helps you up onto the roof, dragging you away from the opening of the hatch.

"What now? Our entire plan just got screwed out of nowhere. And now we're stuck on the roof with nowhere to go!" You whispered in his ear.

You had pretty much lost all hope for any chance of survival at this point. With Yoongi knowing your location, everything the two of you had discussed was now useless.

You look around to see the vacant space on the rooftop, composed of only open space from every corner except the central unit placed in the center of the building.

There was nowhere to go, nowhere to hide, and nowhere to run.

"I guess that means we have to fight," Taehyung speaks up.

"How? We don't have any kind of weapon or anywhere to go," you pause, looking at him completely puzzled.

There was no way the two of you would be able to take him without having any kind of defense.

Before Taehyung has time to say anything else, Yoongi was pulling himself onto the roof.

He must have hit his head during the fall judging by the way he was pressing his palm into the side of his skull.

"That wasn't very nice of you, princess," he speaks loudly from across the roof.

He starts walking towards you when you notice him reaching for something in his back pocket. You squint your eyes and try to focus on the object, and then, suddenly, you gulp once you realize what it is.

It's a gun.

"Taehyung, he has a gun. What are we gonna do?" You whisper to him, pulling him closer to you for comfort.

"Just breathe. Everything will be fine. I'll handle this," he says calmly.

Did he have a plan?

Yoongi is now standing still near the center of the roof with the gun in his hand.

Was that the same gun he used to shoot Jimin? It had to be. And now he was gonna use it to shoot the two of you.

You had to figure something out and quick.

"You don't have to do this, Yoongi! We can all just walk away and pretend nothing happened!" You shout, your voice trembling from the sight of the loaded gun being only a couple of feet away from you.

He chuckles at your words.

"Oh, come on, Y/N, you know that line never works," he says in between breaths, averting his gaze to Taehyung.

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