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For a few moments, you space out entirely as you stare at the concrete below. It was as if your body went into defense mode, causing you to go into shock before anything horrible could happen. It seemed like you couldn't even move a muscle no matter how hard you tried.

You never thought you'd have to relive that moment ever again, but here you were, just feet away from another guy you had fallen for, all to just see him in agonizing pain.

After everything that the two of you had done, Yoongi was still going to win. It was as if any and everything you had planned backfired. It was hopeless.

You hear Yoongi speaking about something in front of you, but his voice is extremely faded, and you're not able to focus on a word that he says.

His voice continues to faintly echo in the back of your head as you remain in this frozen state. Once again, you had this numb sensation coursing throughout you, making you feel disconnected from your entire body; you hated that feeling more than anything.

You just felt completely and utterly defeated.

Suddenly, a burning sensation slowly originates in your left cheek, and Yoongi's voice becomes more clear as you come back to reality.

"Did you not freaking hear me?" He grabs you by the chin aggressively and lifts your head to face him. "I said you're gonna sit there and watch and not say a single word! Now, don't make me repeat myself anymore," he hatefully scolds at you.

Unwittingly, you do as your told, afraid of what could happen if you disobeyed.

You didn't want to make things any worse for Taehyung than it already was, so for now, you would sit there and choke down your tears as you watched someone you had grown so fond of, an innocent guy, endure whatever Yoongi had in store for him.

He turns away from you and walks back over to Taehyung, who seems to be completely out of it by the looks of it. His face appears to be already bruised a bit, and blood is starting to be noticeable off of his bottom lip.

Next thing you know, Yoongi is rearing back his arm, and his fist meets Taehyung's face seconds later.

He's hitting him hard, and you can see the blood so visibly now from where you're positioned. After a couple of punches, you notice that Yoongi isn't going at a fast pace. Instead, he's letting the duration of each punch drag out. It's as if he was making sure that he was putting just the right amount of precision and power into each punch so that the process would last much longer.

This must be another sick way of him making him suffer.

You flinch with each punch, each one powerful enough to make him bleed more than before.

Why wasn't he fighting back? He was just laying there, taking every single punch without struggling back.

As if reading your thoughts at that moment, he glances over at you and smiles softly, and the sight makes you want to cry on the spot.

"It's okay," he mouths, still being able to form a smile afterward. Once you notice what he was trying to say, you begin to tear up almost instantly.

He maintains eye contact with you as Yoongi's first continuously clashes with his face, and that made it even more difficult for you to not break down right then and there.

As if it was bringing him some sort of sense of peace, his eyes never left yours the entire time.

The sight itself was enough to crush you from the inside, but the way he wasn't putting up a fight was just heartbreaking to watch.

You wanted to do something. You wanted to step in and stop all of this from happening, but with Taehyung's condition and Yoongi's weapon just feet away, it would be reckless for you to try and interfere. Wouldn't it?

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