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It was getting harder to breathe. Your breathing was increasing rapidly, and your face was flushed from top to bottom. Sitting straight up from the floor, you found that you were burning up all over. You were sweating so profusely that your clothes felt slightly damp to the touch. You must have gotten hot in the middle of sleeping.

"Woah, are you okay? It looks like you're burning up." You didn't know how long Taehyung had been awake, but evidently, must have been long enough for him to see you break out in a sweat.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just got a little hot, I guess, " you reassured.

You occasionally would get hot in your sleep at your house, but it would usually be because of the blanket smothering you, and you would just remove it off of you whenever that happened. This time, you just had the clothing on that you put on from the day before.

"Well, no wonder you're burning up, it looks like you have on a couple of layers of clothes. It's got to be up at least in the nineties outside, " Taehyung said as his eyes peered at your outfit.

"Maybe you should take the flannel off so that you can cool down-"

"I'm fine, thanks." You spoke up since were only wearing a tank top underneath, and you didn't want him to see you.

"I really think you should, and not in a perverted way either. I just-" Taehyung kept urging you, but you just couldn't find the confidence in you to do it.

"I said I'm fine, Taehyung, okay?" You quickly switched to an aggressive tone, insisting that he just drop the subject. 

You tended to wear baggy clothes to hide your body. In your head, you found it to be unappealing to others and found it best to just cover-up. You didn't think highly of yourself at all; in fact, you were quite ashamed to show your body to anyone. It took you a while to even change in front of Raleigh, and even after you became more comfortable around her, you still found yourself feeling self-conscious at times.

"Y/N, in all seriousness, you look like you could pass out at any moment now. Why don't you want to take it off?"

"Because, Tae, I don't like the way my body looks," you admitted, hiding your face from him as you prepared for him to start judging.

"That's nonsense. I can tell that there's nothing wrong with your body. You have nothing to worry about." You knew that Taehyung was just trying to be helpful, but your subconscious kept telling you to stand your ground.

Ever since you found out about Yoongi using you for school, and your body as well if the circumstances hadn't changed- it all made you much more aware of the situation. Despite the talk you two had the night before, you still didn't know Taehyung's true intentions, and you weren't going to risk it. He could easily start sexualizing you the second you did as he asked, and not to mention all of your insecurities included in the picture as well.

The longer you sat there, the hotter you started to become, but you weren't about to strip right in front of a guy that you were still unsure about. Yeah, he seemed like a nice person now, but he was still a guy that you've witnessed with other girls at your school. There was still a possibility that all of it could just be for show. You were sure you'd be fine so you tried to play it off.

"I just don't like to show my body off to anyone. I've always been this way- I just don't feel comfortable and I-"

Everything had suddenly gone black.

You had fainted and lost consciousness because of how much heat you were taking in. It certainly didn't help that you hadn't eaten or drank anything since you woke up.

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