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As you heard the library doors open, the sound of footsteps soon followed it. Changing from the slouching position you were just in, you slowly situated yourself to where you were sitting upright.

The way the library layout was, there was a small corner to the right once you entered the doors. If anyone walked by and looked through the small window, you would be completely hidden from view.

The sound of the faint footsteps was moving softer than the average person walking naturally. You started to tense up, wondering why whoever was on the other side of the wall was trying to be so quiet.

You remained as still as possible as the footsteps got closer and closer until a figure with a mask unexpectedly peeked around the corner, causing you to jump in your skin.

The figure laughed hysterically as they stepped out from behind the wall, allowing you to get a full glimpse of who it was as they took the mask off.

"What the heck, Taehyung? That wasn't funny at all!" You should've known it was him all along. You didn't know why you got so paranoid. To your knowledge, the two of you were the only ones that you knew to be in the school.

"Really? I thought it was pretty funny. The look on your face was priceless." He continued to crack up with laughter, holding his stomach while slapping his knee like he was the funniest person on the planet. You definitely weren't laughing though.

"Gosh, you're such an idiot. I thought I told you to stay away from me! How did you even know I was in here?"

"I noticed your bag when I was walking by. I had a feeling it must have belonged to you since I assume everyone else took theirs when they went home. I found this mask in the art room and decided to scare you. I figured it would add onto the effect very nicely."

You looked to see that you had left your bag out in the open. You must have unknowingly thrown it over there out of your way after you had gotten your sketchbook out- a foolish move on your part.

"What's that you got in your lap there?" Taehyung started to walk towards you as he pointed to your open sketchbook.

"None of your business. And what part of me not wanting to be anywhere around you didn't you understand? Are you just wanting me to hurt you?" You quickly slammed the book shut as you raced over to put it in your bag.

"I thought you would've missed my company by now so I wanted to pay you a little visit," Taehyung says as he flashes you a quick wink."

Not being able to take his nonsense anymore, you prepared to go off on him for the last time.

"For the last time, Taehyung, I don't want anything to do with you! Get that through your puny little brain!"

"Y/N, I-" Taehyung tried to interrupt but you quickly cut him off.

"No, you listen to me! I gave you a chance to clarify what you were referring to earlier, but apparently, it was all lies from the beginning! Stupid, little me for trying to see you differently! Gosh, you're so insensitive and all you do is bring pain to those around you. If you hadn't have done what you did, then Yoongi would still be here and-"

"He was going to hurt you, Y/N!" Taehyung shouted, finally causing you to take a deep breath from talking so rapidly.

"What?" Your voice went soft, and you were at a loss for words.

He sighed as he looked down at the ground like he was preparing himself for what he was going to say. You stared at him and waited patiently for him to continue, feeling your body start to shake as you got all worked up.

"That day in the cafeteria, I overheard him talking to his buddies. I don't know if you noticed, but I was at the table right behind yours, and they were talking pretty loudly. I had seen you get up and walk away, and they started as soon as you left."

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