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You both hesitated to step out of the elevator when the doors opened, the two of you exchanging a few confused looks in the process.

The sound of the alarm was excruciatingly painful to the ears. You had never heard one that loud before. From the inside of the elevator, all that you could see on the outside was a dim-lit hallway. All of the central lights seemed to have turned off along with the elevator.

Taheyung grabbed his shirt and slipped it back on his body before finally peeking his head out of the doors slowly.

"I don't see anyone out here." He raises an eyebrow as he looks back at you completely puzzled.

"What? Then how did the elevator open?" You stuck your head out to see if he was telling the truth, and he was- there wasn't a person in sight.

You stepped out of the elevator and looked all around you. There were what looked to be these steel shutters covering all of the windows, which would explain why it was so dark in the school. You went and tried to tug and pull them up, but it's like they were barricaded shut and wouldn't budge. That meant that you couldn't see anything that was going on outside of the school, and no one could see in.

You both ran to check all of the doors that could possibly lead to an exit. After rounding the entire building, it was just as you had feared- all of them were barricaded like the windows. 

"Oh, this is bad. This is really bad. What are we supposed to do now? We're trapped in the school while having no idea about what just happened while we were on that elevator." You started pacing back and forth, certainly on the verge of having a panic attack.

Taehyung just stood there with his hand covering his mouth in shock. He was beginning to get just as freaked out as you were. His reaction sort of reminded you of how you felt that day in the cafeteria.

"And how do we turn off that stupid alarm? It's giving me a headache!"  You covered both of your ears as you squinted, not understanding how something so small could be so loud and almost unbearable.

"C'mon, let's go see if we can find the fuse to it or something. Hopefully, we'll find it because I don't think I can handle it much longer, " Taehyung suggests, finally breaking out of his trance just moments later.

There was enough light in the building so that you were able to find your way around the halls. The two of you went downstairs to find where the box was located.

After a good while of searching, you finally found the box in the back of a utility closet near the floor.

"How do we know which one goes to the alarm?" You ask as you both crouched down, looking at the countless amount of circuits in front of you.

"I guess we just hope for the best? Surely at least one of these goes to that thing."

Determined, he starts flipping as many switches as he could, hoping that one of them would finally shut that stupid alarm up. You just stood aside and held your camera flashlight toward the box so that it was easier to see what was happening.

"I can't believe this! None of these are working!" Before you were even given the chance to say anything, he was storming out of the closet with his fist clenched. This day was just full of unfortunate events.

"Where are you going?" You shouted as you started to run to catch up with him.

"I'm gonna go insane if I have to listen to that annoying sound for one more second. I'm finding that annoying alarm myself and I'm smashing it to bits!"

The next thing you knew, he completed vanished from your sight. You didn't even bother to try and find him. You certainly had no interest in watching him take his anger out by attacking stuff- especially not a second time. Instead, you just sat down and rested your face in your palms, trying to drown out the alarm as best as you could.

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