dreamland darkness

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dark paradise - lana del rey

every time i close my eyes, it's like a dark paradise
no one compares to you
but there's no you, except in my dreams tonight


'I make dark things beautiful and beautiful things dark' -  kerli koiv



The unprecedented arrival of a certain Tailor made Seraphina jump from her bed. The fire haired girl threw the curtains back with a loud scrapping sound and stared out the window at the dark sky.

At the flick of her wrist, the servants who had followed her into the room dissipated, scurrying off like rats abandoning a sinking ship. It wasn't a pleasant thought first thing in the morning but it was all Seraphina could think about. Besides wanting to wring Genya's neck. It must have been early dusk, the sun hadn't risen past the picturesque shrubs in the far gardens yet.

'By the saints, why?'

Genya threw the sheets back. Seraphina groaned, obviously irritated. It had been some days since she had danced and even longer since she felt the comforting weight of a bow in her hands. In these times, she missed her father terribly; he wouldn't have hesitated to let her go hunt. But here, she didn't have neither the concentration, strength or, ironically, the time.

Genya smiled her dazzling beautiful cruel smile and proceeded to pull the oynx haired girl up by the arm.

'The Darkling will name you his lieutenan 5 hours in front of the royal court and the royal family. You need to be ready.'

Her previously drowsy eyes shot open in shock and horror.

'What? Does anybody know about this? Does Michi-'

She coughed and corrected herself.

'Lieutenant Sidorov know about this?'

Genya's face darkened at the mention of Michail Sidorov.

'No, he doesn't. And I have a feeling he won't be too happy when he finds out. He'll probably call you a traitor.'

Her head spun with a sick ambition. It was too early in the morning to be dealing with the massive catastrophe but it awakened her. Michail had already accused her of being untrustworthy, of siding with the Darkling. She was happy to see that the pieces in the twisted game she play were starting to move, grinding past each other, agonisingly slow. She had eliminated Michail.

'Thanks for the vote of confidence.'

A pang of guilt shot through her spine. Michail. So kind but so many secrets. She couldn't feel bad for her success now. For all she knew, the false Heartrender possessed more powers than his photokinesis. Seraphina knew that he wasn't going to give up his position without a fight. He was smart and painstakingly clever so she would have to outsmart him.

A smirk pulled at her lips. That was her specialty.

'You're so very welcome.'

Seraphina rolled out of bed and dropped onto her feet. She glimpsed herself in the mirror and realised that Genya was right. The olive complexion of her skin had faded without the exposure to sunlight; her chocolate brown eyes were tired. But the look in them were riddled with cold, calculating deception. The girl in the mirror didn't look like the next lieutenant colonel. Yet.

Genya worked her specialised magic, turning pale skin to a body of bronze and dry lips into pink buds of roses. Wavy smooth hair was brushed through methodically and a flicker of her hand turned hair into a masterpiece of curled chestnut waves. Seraphina dressed herself in dark green military attire, a uniform she was so familiar with. Her father had worn his for as long as she could remember. Gold stars boasting honour and dignity outlined his uniform but hers was a blank canva. Her mindless fingers traced the bare patches with a satisfied smile. A military cap was placed with dignity on the crown of hair. It felt rigid against her scalp but it was a perfect fit nonetheless. Seraphina expected nothing less from the Tailor.

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