young god

188 3 2

doomsday - architects

they say the good die young
no use in saying what is done, is done
'cause it's not enough
and when the night gives way
it's like a brand-new doomsday


'may god have mercy on my enemies because i won't' - unknown



Seraphina watched the chaos unfold before her and wondered how easy it would be to kill them all right now. The room was in a state of controlled havoc, the Darkling and soldiers struggling to calm the panicked crowd while Konstantin knelt beside Irina. Michail stood, frozen in the middle of the room but leapt into action at the sight of the hyperventilating queen. Genya rushed to her side. The screaming was like music to Seraphina's ears; she imagined they were a chorus of sopranos in an opera. She wondered if she had been too cruel when she sentenced Irina to her death. No, that wasn't cruel. What was cruel was making Konstantin do the job. Even though both tried to hide it, it was as plain as day what their true feelings towards each other really were. Seraphina hated that ironic pure love; it was twisted and morbid but at the same time, innocent and childish. It was loathsome. The voices in her head whispered their agreement, chittering gleefully at the disarray.

The Darkling was staring at her. They had succeeded in calming the room down but the room was still ridden with shock. White faces dotted the room as people struggled to eliminate Irina's death from their minds. Seraphina turned towards the body. It had been covered with a white cloth, probably ripped from one of the many curtains that adorned the room but it was now stained with blood. Splotches of crimson lined the edges and there was blood seeping onto the small cream steps. Michail sat by his mother, a small lady with a kind face. She held no emotion, sitting with a perfectly straight back and hollow light blue eyes. He seemed to be consoling her but something told Seraphina that needed reassurance more than her. There was nobody from Irina's family, not to anybody's surprise. Seraphina had heard the stories surrounding Irina's morbid childhood and the grotesque death of her family. The Time Turner respected Irina for that; an empty life wasn't worth living. Killing was a mercy that few had the guts to give.

Seraphina looked back at the Black Heretic. He looked lost as he knelt by the mourning Grisha. She wondered what he was thinking. He most certainly knew that it was her, her fault. The reason Irina was dead and for the misery. But he must have wondered why she did it. Why kill someone with relatively no significance, no connection and of no threat? To get revenge? To make an example? But it was much easier than that. It was an answer so simple that it would have crossed his mind all together.

Just because she could. She didn't particularly hate Irina or for that matter, Michail. Irina represented no threat, she just happened to be the unfortunate girl who Seraphina chose as a sacrifice. Konstantin also didn't need to be the executioner but Seraphina could never resisted the dramatic flare. Friend turned lover turned enemy turned executioner. She lightly chuckled at the thought but covered it up with a cough. Michail glanced at her but said nothing.

Konstantin was still by Irina's body. Seraphina had thought about calling him back to her but even the Time Turner was not heartless enough to prevent a man from grieving. He sat motionless by Irina's body, holding her hand. He looked shell shocked; his face seemed to have aged decades within the span of an hour. Seraphina pitied him the way one would pity a stray dog at the door, with the same neglectful glance. Konstantin should have known better than to let emotion interfere with his purpose; he possessed his powers to serve her. It was what Morozova had written in the prophecy. It was the beginning, the middle and the end. Nothing could change that. No matter how hard Konstantin struggled, the more powerful his hold over him grew. She could feel the blood, if it could even be called that, bubble in her veins.

Seraphina had tried many times to identify the unknown substance inside her body. She had stood in front of the bathroom mirror, viscous black liquid streaming down her hand from where she had deliberately sliced one of her blood vessels open. It seemed to take shape inside her hands; a monstrous creature blossomed from the black abyss. It seemed to taunt her but as soon as Seraphina blinked, it disappeared, leaving behind a wisp of smoke. Seraphina wasn't sure if it was an illusion or paranoia.

Her attention was snatched back into the present as she felt a figure sit down next to her. Seraphina brushed her perfectly combed raven hair behind her shoulder and pulled her kefta closer. Aleksander shuffled in his seat and whispered

'Terrible, isn't it'

Seraphina wanted to laugh. That was an obvious trick.

'Of course, moi soveryenni. No life should be taken away in such a sudden manner'

His black eyes seemed to bear into her soul. Her shadow seemed to grow.

'Yes, such a tragedy. On her wedding day as well. A fate not even I would wish on my enemies'

She stole a glance at him. His face caught the light of the sun; he seemed to glow with power. He looked younger than she remembered from their previous encounter. He looked determined, like he had found an anchor, a sense of belonging. Like he had found a call.

Something clicked in Seraphina's brain. He knew. Her fingers flickered, summoning her power. Time slowed around them. The dust dancing in the sun beams stopped. People in the room seemed to sway in sluggish movements.

'It is not up to you to impose the death sentence, Time Turner. I nor you have that kind of power'

His voice seemed to be reverberating around the room.

'What makes you think I don't?'

The General laughed. He would forever be sculpted into Seraphina's memories as 'General'. Even after she had dethroned him, he was nothing less. His laugh was rich.

'You're cruel, Seraphina. And I respect you for having that kind of approach. Humans are so feeble, hesitating to make the right choice if it means spilling blood. But this, this is different. Irina did nothing to you and yet you had her killed'

'So she's Irina to you now? One death that wasn't under your control and then suddenly, you dare preach to me about peace?'

'Call it a word of advice, my dear Time Turner. You may think thank you have what it takes to lead but I have been in power longer than you have been alive. You may have won the battle but I will never let you win this war'

Aleksander's voice had taken a bitter turn. Seraphina chuckled.

'What makes you think this is a war? I'm not fighting anybody, General. I am merely acting out a prophecy. I will not be the one to stand in its way, nor will you. After all, I am a pawn, aren't I? In this elaborate game you're playing with the Goddess?'

The room seemed to darken.

'You think this is what this has been about? My feud with Time? You think I would risk the life of millions of people, tens of thousands of Grisha, our people, to wager a war? What is it you want, Seraphina? Is it money? Is it revenge?'

Seraphina cackled, a maniacal laugh. The black liquid in her body withered with power.

'No, Aleksander. I want the world in chaos and I want to be the only one who can purge it of its poison. I want to play god, no, I want to be god. And you, General, will not stand in my way'

'What makes you think that I won't?'

Seraphina's eyes seemed to turn crimson, as if it were filling with blood.

'Because I can send you to a purgatory worse than Hell'

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