6: Antagonistic

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Lex tugged down her mask to expose her nose. It was getting sweaty with it on. She breathed in the cold air deeply. She didn't pull it down all the way in case there was a camera around or people. Adjusting her gloves, Lex observed her surroundings.

Along with the occasional house robbery on her own accord, Lex typically took smaller jobs for other people that didn't want their hands dirty. Such as stealing the mead for Manny. She was paid decent money for that. Which paid her rent, and additional money went towards foods and other products. It was a common misconception that having a phone meant you weren't poor. A phone was an investment and had many benefits other than calling and texting. Of course, she didn't have the latest, newest or biggest phone. However it did the job, and it remained useful every day to her. How did she know? She learnt from a group of delinquents she met a few years back. They weren't any people that had a permanent role in her life, but they were useful.

Lex picked up a snow globe that sat atop a dresser and shook it. The snow particles inside swished around the sphere, bringing a smile to her face. She wished she could see snow. She knew it existed, just not where she lived. And probably not anytime soon. She spied her reflection from the snow globe, noticing the state of her hair.

Ugh, it's so gross. Lex had been occupied for the last few days that her hair had become greasy and flat. She was lucky it was black as it made it less noticeable. She knew she had worse days. Though it didn't matter as she was becoming used to her current routine. Lex remembered having lice one at a young age. They had come to her due to her poor hygiene, though it wasn't her fault, and as a result of neglect. Lex shuddered at the memories and desperately tried to shove away the intrusive thoughts.

Setting down the globe, Lex began searching for what she came for. A small bundle of golden jewellery. The main target was a ring. The person that requested the job claimed the ring was his mother's and he had lost it in a bet. It was an ignorant gamble that clearly backfired, but Lex wasn't in any place to judge. She had a job, and she would deliver.

How did she manage to break in? She shimmied through a vent and kicked open the grate. She had already scoped out the area beforehand but was still relieved when no one was in there. You never know if someone forgot something, or if one person decided to stay back. The apartment complex was fairly modern, but still on the cheaper side of the spectrum. Still better than my run-down shack.

Lex rummaged through drawers and wardrobes for any signs of hidden jewellery. She always made sure to put it back. Not because she cared to be considerate, but because it would make her job easier if she at least tried to cover up what had happened while on jobs like these. The jewellery ended up being in a velvety box, without any sort of lock, tucked away in a dresser draw. She scooped the relevant pieces into a pouch. She found the prized ring and tucked it into her pocket for extra safe keeping. After finding the initial intended jewellery. She started to find additional jewellery that she pocketed for herself. A necklace, bracelets, another ring, and oh?

Something caught her attention from the corner of her eye. A plain, shiny, and silver briefcase. Lex was interested. What secrets are you hiding? She flipped up the tabs and opened the case. Inside, there were gadgets of all sorts. She wasn't entirely sure what they were yet but she could figure that out later.

Lex was sorely tempted by it. Any of these gadgets could be extremely useful on a multitude of levels. As the briefcase was small enough to fit in her backpack, she acted on it and stuffed it into her bag. It would've been a missed opportunity to leave it behind. She could check it out when she got home. Considering she was already stealing, she doubted they would really miss these souvenirs.

Lex slipped back through the vent. She fitted the grate back behind her before scaling down the vent, backpack strapped on tight and gloves dragging against metal. She landed on her feet diligently. Voices were heard from the front of the house. Lex stilled herself and halted her breathing. When it sounded like they had entered the house, she made a dash for it. She still tried to keep her steps light and nimble rather than loud and thunderous. Lex didn't stop until she was in her car. She unlocked it and threw her bag in before hopping in herself. She started up the engine and zipped off.

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