24: The Last Barrier

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Nightfall crept up on the gang as they arrived at the warehouse. Why was it always nighttime? Was it because it was dark enough to cover up anything that happened? Or was it just to intimidate them? They were in an industrial area, where people didn't particularly wander around at night. Any prying eyes were less likely to stumble on them.

They had piled into two separate cars. The drivers were Chan and Minho. Lex ended up in Minho's car with Jisung in the front seat, and Felix with Lex in the back. There was little disagreement with the seating plan, as it was probably ideal to keep Lex and Hyunjin apart where possible.

When they arrived at their location, they tried to park in a more discrete spot. If anything went wrong, they didn't want their getaway vehicles to be sabotaged. It was unfortunate that it happened to be a chilly night again.

Lex felt a chill down her spine. As planned, Lex stayed behind with Hyunjin, Seungmin, Jeongin and Felix. They set up on a hill nearby and equipped themselves with sniper rifles, pointed inside the building for any signs of danger. They were assigned to be a lookout for the group that was meeting this "Vixen".

"Remember, if you spot anything odd, let us know immediately. Time is key." Chan said to the watchers.

"And we shoot them?" Lex asked, attaching the scope to the rifle.

"If you must. The safety of our own comes first." Chan repeated. That was always his main goal, to protect their fellow members. When they got into position, Chan, Minho, Changbin and Han entered the warehouse.

The frontline group walked further into the open warehouse and made sure to stay in sight. The watchers each had an earpiece that was connected to a microphone hooked up to Chan. The leader himself also had an earpiece that was concealed by his cap. The others that were flanking him either had caps or beanies.

Lex stared at Chan through the scope. She still wasn't sure how to properly operate a gun, but she figured she should just aim and shoot. Was it as straightforward as it seemed? They hadn't gotten around to teaching her, which was an issue Lex decided not to remind them about. She wasn't sure why.

They spotted another group of men waiting in the warehouse. Lex assumed the most intimidating one standing at the front was Vixen. It wasn't the tattoos or the hair that gave it away, but the way he carried himself. He stood at the front proud and tall.

The two groups met in the middle of the warehouse. Lex did notice they looked older than them. They were adults themselves, but the opposing gang seemed more experienced and were pushing their 30s or 40s. Or perhaps they were a mafia. Mafias were far more dangerous than gangs. So was Chan leading a gang or mafia?

Lex stood around a metre away from Hyunjin, listening closely for any sign of conflict. Any chance it could turn ugly, Lex was prepared, or so she thought.

"You owe us money. I trust you haven't forgotten all of a sudden?" A domineering voice spoke through her earplug. It sent chills down her spine. She peered through the scope to observe signs of danger. Chan was face to face with Vixen.

"I don't need to hand that over. I backed out of it." Chan asserted. To have any chance, he had to exert dominance. So far, it had little effect. It put into perspective how young they were compared to the world. To be careful, she did decide to use the cellular jammer.

"Yet you wasted our time and inconvenienced us. So you better have brought that money or none if you are leaving alive." Vixen threatened, bringing his glaring face up closer to Chan's.

Lex panned her scope around and noticed there were more members from the opposition, but only by a few. Since when did they owe people money? Lex paused from looking into the scope even though she could hear their voices in her ear. She thought Chan was wealthy, and he gave her a high payout. At least it was a lot to her. So surely they weren't in debt.

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