59: Alleyway Secrets

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The day came where they would have to visit their faction for the first time. They were required to meet their boss there before further plans were discussed. They operated under the city, below the hustle and bustle of citizens and workers above. It was their job to undertake the city.

Lex requested to drive there on her new motorbike but Chan insisted they stay within two vehicles, much to her dismay. In Chan's car, there was bickering between the leader and Minho. Needless to say, Minho wasn't happy about the location change.

"It's only temporary. Think of it as boarding school." Chan reasoned, his gaze flickering between the rearview mirror and the road.

"I rarely went to school." Minho scowled, holding the two front seats. He was situated in the middle between Jisung and Felix. "Let alone boarding school."

Lex resisted the urge to snicker. Not because she was mocking him, but because she could relate to him. Their education was disrupted throughout their adolescence but contrary to what it may seem like, the two of them liked to learn. They were lucky to have some books around the orphanage, which contributed to their English capabilities.

"We'll be together at least, right?" Lex said, turning in the front passenger seat to face Minho. His frown softened when they made eye contact. If she was being honest, the move wasn't worrying her much. Sure she loved HQ, but she hasn't grown attached the same way the others had. And if she was still with everyone, she didn't mind where she was.

"That's right. They won't separate us far from each other. And if they do, I'll fight them."

"Yeah sure. After Kobe, you're on your last breath, old man." Felix piped up, laughing deviously. That made Minho crack a smile before he undoubtedly chuckled, covering his mouth. Jisung leaned over and high fived Felix.

Chan's jaw dropped as he blinked furiously. Then he scoffed, his lips forming a threatening grin. "You want to lose your other arm? You are lucky I am driving right now, Yongbok."

"Chill out, Chris. He's five." Lex cooed, slumping in her seat. She had her feet on the dashboard for less than a second before she was told off.

"That's what he wants you to think. Do you not remember how aggressively he gambles?"

"Oh yeah, you were out for blood against Hayate."

"Get overrrrr it, I was drinking."

"Probably only had two, lightweight."

"Okay, shut up, I'm driving."


The entrance of their faction turned out to be an average door in an alleyway near the outskirts of the city. There was nothing distinguishable about it, other than the fact that it was dark green as opposed to red like the others. It was in the centre of the alleyway, and the busyness of the streets made their congregation unnoticed. They had to wait as Chan contacted the number he was given to let them in.

"This reminds me of a place I robbed once," Lex announced, craning her head to observe nearby buildings. The smell of garbage also twinged her nose but it wasn't anything she wasn't used to.

Hyunjin raised an eyebrow at her as he leaned against the wall. "You mean one of our hideouts?"

"Oh yeah, I forgot that part." She snorted into her hand. Crazy how things changed. Almost 7 months had passed since then.


"Well, it's not like you were using it anyway." She threw up her hands in defence. "How unlucky was it for you guys to be there at that exact time."

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