58: Stay for Christmas

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Chan woke up early on Christmas morning to prepare breakfast for the house, Minho and Jisung as his accomplices. He learnt to knock or open the door ajar and yell into their room to wake them up after walking in on them naked under their sheets. Luckily, the blanket usually covered what mattered.

The three of them prepared chocolate chip pancakes which proved to be harder than it seemed. One large bowl of batter wasn't enough for a family of 9. Between spilling batter on the counters and losing pancakes that stuck to the pan, they were reminded why they rarely ate them. They had just wanted a typical breakfast.

"Han, stop stuffing your face with the chocolate chips, you look like a chipmunk," Chan teased, waving the spatula at him. The younger man acted like he wasn't being seen the whole time.

"It wasn't me." Jisung spun around like a deer- well chipmunk caught in headlights, eyes wide and cheeks puffed. He was mixing the batter from his seat by the kitchen island and frequently sneaking the sweet toppings.

Minho giggled. "Let him be, he's cute."

Chan prepared to argue with him but relented. It was Christmas morning, he didn't need to play father today. He ruffled Jisung's hair affectionately.

"Fine, you can have some. But make sure there is enough for the pancakes alright?"

Jisung nodded and went back to working with the batter. After many failed attempts, they were able to gauge how long they needed to cook it for it to be perfect. They still nibbled at the salvageable pancakes as they were peckish and didn't want to waste so much.

At some point, after the last batch of batter was made, Jisung decided to try and cook some. Minho stood behind his boyfriend, lifted him slightly with his arms around his waist. Chan sat on the counter chair and watched them fondly. He did secretly adore how smitten they were for each other.

Chan wanted his members to find someone one day, even if it was hard considering their occupation. Minho and Jisung finding it with each other was a blessing. It had never really been a secret. Every member showed affection to each other in their own way, but it had always been different between those two. Their chemistry was different.

"It's going to burn..." Minho piped up, bouncing him.

"No, it's not! Trust me, Jagi." Jisung tilted his head to come face to face with his boyfriend. They seemed like they wanted to kiss but then glanced at Chan who looked away quickly.

"I am completely blind to whatever you do next," Chan said wistfully, spinning around in his chair. Now if he heard a smooch, no he didn't. But he did smell the burning of a pancake.


Minho and Jisung went to fetch the members downstairs and Chan naturally gravitated upstairs to Lex's room once they were done preparing breakfast. She hadn't slept in the same room as him last night but said she would tonight. It didn't seem like she was forgetting what happened in Kobe any time soon.

Even though they had been granted protection by the Yakuza unit located in Australia, their celebrations and festivities were not shared by Lex, who had become a shell of a person since what went down in Kobe. The blood on her hands overwhelmed her at points. She wasn't sure if that made her a good or bad person.

Chan reached her door when he heard muffled voices on the other side. She was talking to someone. He had a conniving urge to eavesdrop but shook it off. No, he respected and trusted her. He knocked on the door and the talking ceased.

"It's open!" Lex's voice called out.

Chan twisted the doorknob and opened the door. On the bed was Lex scooted up to where her pillow should be and near the bottom was Seungmin, both in their pyjamas. They both greeted him with a good morning and Merry Christmas.

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