30: Heart Beats Harder

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Chan nervously tapped his fingers against the steering wheel every time they stopped at a set of traffic lights. Lex felt awkward from the front seat, not knowing what to say to help Chan to comfort him. He also kept checking the rearview mirror on them. 

Minho was leaning his full body against Jisung from the middle seat, his head on his shoulder. It took a lot of convincing to get them to both put in their seatbelts. After Chan scolded and reminded them of the dangers if they crashed, they listened to him. 

They arrived at the private hospital that was less than half an hour away. It was longer than any of them liked, but it was safer. It was more expensive at a private hospital, but this way there'd be a smaller chance of being recognised and there were shorter waiting times. They could afford it anyway. 

Minho was starting to feel light-headed on his way inside the hospital and squinted hard to keep the light from his eyes. He just wanted to lay back down. His head felt heavy and a pillow would be nice. 

They rushed him to a room in a matter of moments. Lex had been to the hospital a few times, but they never looked like this. Usually, it was packed with people and took longer to get treated. Meanwhile, this place seemed less busy and more attentive. It was late at night, but that didn’t mean people don’t come in. They even passed by a cafeteria. The perks of being rich, I guess.

Minho was taken into a room and the other three took a seat outside. They weren't allowed to enter immediately. Another thing noted was the fact that they were singular rooms for one person, unlike a government hospital. Hence, why it was probably called a private hospital. They were informed Minho was going to be tested for a concussion. 

Chan left to go grab some food for them from the cafeteria. It just seemed like he didn’t want to sit still, and preferred to distract himself for a bit. Lex sat with her elbows on her knees, propping up her head on her hands. She was feeling anxious for Minho. If it was a hard hit, he could end up dying or be incapacitated. Han wasn’t feeling any better.

Han was pacing a lot, he couldn't seem to sit or stand still. It didn't bother Lex at first, but after a while, it unnerved her a little bit. She didn't want to snap at him, knowing he was really stressed for Minho. She was too. So she asked him to sit back down. Initially, he refused to. He was starting to panic again.

"Han, do you wanna sit down?" Lex asked kindly. He didn't respond and continued shifting around on his feet. He was in a stupor and was distracted from everything else. After being denied from accompanying Minho, his anxiety was skyrocketing. 

Lex stood up, grabbed one of his hands and led him back to the chairs without being too rough. He let himself be pulled along and slumped into the seat beside her. She wasn't sure if it would help, but she held his hand in hers. It was helping her, to hold something, and knowing they understood. Han relaxed and held her hand. 


He turned his gaze to her. There was so much going through his mind. How he could lose Minho... How they never spoke about what was between them... Never getting to show how much he appreciated him. It was all too much. 

"You love him... Don't you?" Lex said quietly. His lower lip wobbled as tears welled in his eyes. He knew it, she knew it. Lex held one of his hands to comfort him. "Don't worry, you don't need to answer that." 

Han squeezed her hand back and buried his face into his other hand. Lex felt bad for bringing it up. He was crying, sniffling into his hand and wiping at his tears with his sleeve. Chan hadn’t returned yet, and she was sort of hoping he did. Anything to break the tension. She was starting to feel uncomfortable being at a hospital. 

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