21: Temporary Fix

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The car was silent as they struggled to regain their breath. Lex felt dirty. She was covered in sweat, dirt, blood, and probably something nasty from there. This was nothing like she'd ever experienced before. One blow after the other was bound to make her crack at some point.

"Are you okay?" Chan finally spoke up once he caught his breath, gulping occasionally. Lex didn't respond. She wasn't sure. She struggled to process what had just happened. If she didn't die right there, whatever they were going to do to her would've made her wish she did. She always did things that put her at risk but never were it her own life on the line. At least not purposely.

Chan didn't push her to answer, letting her focus on driving. He was thoroughly impressed by how she handled it. She did know how to fight. She managed to hold off two needle-wielding maniacs on her own, without getting stabbed. At least he knew Minho wasn't lying when he said she was experienced in combat. He hadn't witnessed her brawl with Minho but realised he shouldn't have doubted her.

Chan knew she wouldn't care for praise right now, so he remained quiet. The way her jaw was tight and her eyes fixed on the road told him that she didn't want to speak about it. It was intense, nothing she had experienced before. He looked away.

She forced herself to keep it together, no way was she going to fall apart in front of Chan. But even then, she couldn't stop the tears from flowing down her dust-stained cheeks. Her breathing remained steady, but her eyes were waterworks. It didn't help that her thighs were shaking, especially since she was driving.

Leaning an elbow on the window side, she propped her head against her hand. She stifled a sob, as silent tears streamed down her cheeks. They stung her eyes, so she blinked hard to push them out.

Chan only noticed when she had to sniffle, and he couldn't help but feel guilty. Had he pushed her too far with tonight? Getting jabbed by a needle by a group of junkies wasn't a predicted outcome they had noted down. But he could admit, if had gone alone as he had originally intended, he wouldn't have been alive.

He noted that despite her crying, she kept driving. She was driving a little slower, but still pushing on. He stared at her, observing her movements. Maybe he misjudged her. She was stronger than he was giving her credit for.

Chan didn't doubt his own abilities, taking pride in them. But even he wasn't perfect. One man against at least 10 wasn't impossible, but the chances were slimmer than a paper clip. So he was grateful for Lex tonight as she had tanked many blows to her body and cuts to her face.

Chan tugged his inner shirt sleeve over his hand and reach towards her. His jacket was dirty so he wasn't going to use it. Lex flinched when his hand approached her face. He retreated for a moment but noticed she didn't pull away. He gently wiped away the tears on her face, catching them as she let them out.

Lex wasn't sure why she let it happen. But she was exhausted. If he was trying to help, then she appreciated it. Her vision was blurring from the tears and he was clearing it for her. The kind gesture was a nice change from their arguing.

At a traffic light intersection, Lex met his gaze. It was then that he noticed droplets of blood gathering around a gash in her forehead. Tentatively, Chan dabbed at the blood in her forehead after wiping her cheeks. Lex stared back at him with a strange look that Chan couldn't quite place his finger on. Impatience? Annoyance? Gratitude? But it was curiosity at the motive behind Chan's gesture.

Lex had stopped crying by then. She scanned his face, taking in each of his features. They hadn't noticed the light had turned green until there were angry honks from behind them. Who was this Chan that suddenly cared about her?

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