20: Major Test of Strength

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Lex pulled up to HQ earlier than 8 since she didn't want to be told off again about her punctuality. After Chan learned that she taught herself how to drive, he was even more curious. He recalled her mentioning that she nearly crashed into a tree when arriving at their hideout for her first mission. If that was any indicator of how she drove, then Chan wasn't that eager to hop in a car with her.

The car drive was mainly quiet. He occasionally made a snide comment about how she drove, critiquing things from reaction time to her ability to break. But it stopped after she threatened to crash the car more than once.

"Why are you even acting this way? You were fine with me the first night I showed up and now you're acting like I shanked your nan." Lex vocalised, taking one hand off the wheel to emphasises her frustration. But he didn't respond, opting to stare out the window instead. Although it wasn't like he could see much in the dark, with the occasional street light passing by.

The trip there was more or a less a smooth journey despite Lex's mediocre driving. Though as soon as they exited the car, they began to clash heads every few minutes. Suddenly not being in a car made him brave, but Lex was no better by choosing to fuel the fire. Lex adjusted the gun that was in the holster but didn't take it out.

"Are you actually going to shoot the gun this time?" Chan commented snarkily out of nowhere.

"You didn't seem to doubt me when I had it pointed at Hyunjin's stupid head." Lex grimaced and her nostrils flared as she glared at him from the corner of her eye. She was taken aback by his sudden and otherwise unnecessarily nasty tone. He always has to have the first and last word huh?

"That's because I didn't trust your trigger finger."

"Grow up man, shit."

"You're the one with who can't grow the fuck up."

"And you were really mature about my initiation mission then? What, you get off to that?" Lex shot back, finally being the one to address where their conflict stemmed from. Chan didn't respond but his face was still contorted in annoyance.

"What was your intention behind it? You like being a sadist for shits and giggles?" Lex carried on, only focused on making Chan feel bad.

"Shut up, just shut your mouth. Your voice makes it hard for me to think." Chan threw his hands up by his head. He was not amused, feeling resentful about their ongoing bickering.

"That's because you're more brawn than brains."

Chan scoffed but the conversation ended like that, both more agitated than they were 5 minutes previously. They made their way around the area without a word between each other. It was a trailer park, but it seemed barren. Since Lex used to live in one, she knew what type of people could be around. She brushed her hand over her gun every minute to reassure herself it was still there.

The location where Chan predicted the drugs would be located was a junkie hideout. When he caught wind of where it was, he refused to inform their dealer as he felt he was above it. It was from greed that he wanted to obtain, knowing he could profit from it.

It was one of these trailers. The description was a grey-blue trailer with a graffitied symbol of a pig. How Chan figured that out, she wasn't fully aware. But Minho had told her that Chan had ties with people. Which she could only assume meant someone around the area.

"Hey, is it that one?" Lex whispered, pointing to a trailer with a pig eating bacon graffitied on the side. Chan followed her gaze.

"You might be right about that," Chan responded, their previous argument forgotten. After a quick once over of the other trailers, he concluded it must have been the one. None of the others matched the description in any way. They stood in front of the trailer. "Remember what we planned? Show me what you can do."

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