46: Red Lights

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"Everyone ready?"


They split into their designated group for the car ride there. The rooftop trio kept their personal vehicle while the others drove a rental car as it was more likely for their license plate to be tracked. Chan organised them with a trusted ally, one that could provide them with temporary vehicles. It didn't come cheap but it was worth being safe. Each car had the GPS RADAR gadget, as they named it, the machine had worked on fixing to keep track of nearby vehicles. They could watch where the other two cars were and remain in their radius.

In the mirror, Lex adjusted her mask. Like the others, it covered much of her face, concealing her forehead to the apples of her cheeks. She was unrecognisable, especially with the wig. She had to admit, she looked glamourous. The others dying their hair evened it out mostly. They bleached their hair back to blonde and some dyed them to different natural colours. Every member had a different colour. Chan's was completely blonde. He was smoking hot with it. He even apologised to Lex for having to glam up more than they did, feeling like they were using her for appeal.

Lex had agreed to it on her own accord, the thought of getting into people's heads was appealing to her. They discussed what they could say and do to extort from the higher-ups, how far they would go. Minho sat in the middle seat and held the RADAR in his hands, watching the other vehicles.

Changbin's vehicle, with Felix and Jisung, started swerving consistently, Chan urged Minho to call them out through their earpieces. Their team had their earpieces concealed by the straps of their mask, except for Lex that had styled her hair that way to cover it up.

Before they reached the city, the skyscrapers and towers were noticeable from a distance. They had travelled there frequently, but never under the guise of being rich. Lex herself rarely went into the city, but arriving all dressed up was exciting. This sentiment was shared by the others.

"It's so busy... How are we going to get out after?" Lex questioned, craning her head to observe the towers. How was an escape possible with crowded roads.

"Our building is in a more private area. Don't worry, we're taking a quieter route after, remember?"

"Right, right." Lex resisted the urge to stick her head out the window. Even with her face masked, it wasn't wise. She had never seen a city like this. It was unlike the slums and little suburbs he was used to. If she thought HQ was grand, this was a whole city. She wondered what secrets they hid.

Their arrival at their building was timely. It was one of the grand towers, packed with many floors. The rooftop trio had veered away from them and left their radius. The vault trio followed the same route as Chan but were entering through a different exit.

Minho was entering first. He was charming, he was coordinated. Chan had been hesitant on sending one of his members in first, but they insisted thy they needed him on the outside if something went wrong. He trusted Minho anyway.

"Break a leg," Chan said sarcastically, passing the RADAR to Lex.

Minho unbuckled his seatbelt. "I hope not!"

They watched him make the journey towards the exit, careful not to brush by the dumpsters and trash bags. It was easier to sneak in this way as the alleyway was barren at this time, only the occasional car passing by. The sky was darkening but the sun still found a way to make an appearance.

It was quiet as they watched the clocks, minutes passing by quicker than they could keep up with. Still no confirmation from Minho. Chan bounced his leg as he waited on Minho, high on anticipation. Despite the situation, Lex thought it would be a good idea to pass time by pulling Chan into a kiss.

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