19: Make or Break

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Lex hadn't made an appearance at the bar for a week, actively deciding against showing up again. The place seemed like a bad idea nowadays. Besides, she had too much on her mind to be bothered with it. Her last trip there was fuelled by anger, and she wasn't itching to get herself beaten in a fight right now.

Chaeyoung had finally messaged Lex a few days after getting her number. Lex was initially reluctant to respond because again, why did she care? As far as she knew her only true friend right now was Minho, and she couldn't even say that with full confidence yet. Of course, she was slowly gaining more trust in him, the night he convinced her to stay was a milestone for them.

The two best friends were making it work, actively trying to get to know each other again. The most conversation Lex got out of Chaeyoung was small talk, it killed time but she got easily bored. The last notification she got was not from Chaeyoung however.

Chan: Mission #83 Infiltration
- 5th August, 8pm
- Obtain the package of stolen c*caine from the failed trade.
- 327 Brockwood Ave
Your chance to prove yourself.

The text was simple, but she had the feeling it was going to be complicated. Lex had just finished reading it when Minho's caller ID popped up on her screen. She immediately swiped to accept it while going to her fridge for a snack.

"What's up?"

"Don't freak out, but you just got Chan's mission right?" Minho announced, sounding slightly alarmed that he even forgot to greet her.

"Yes, and why would I be freaking out?" Lex scoffed, grabbing a chocolate bar from the top compartment. Minho was panicking more than her, and he wasn't even the one going to obtain drugs with Chan.

There was silence on the other end, before he answered, "You're right, I was overthinking."

"Alright, so what about it?"

"I'm going to help you out to increase your chances."

"Why not piss him off a bit first?" Lex suggested, waving around her chocolate. She was teasing him of course, finding his eagerness humourous.

"You said you were going to try!" Minho scolded, although sounding more childish than authoritative. He wanted this to work.

Lex had to bite back a laugh. "Okay, kidding!"

"Right so, the location of your mission is in a really dodgy area. He's not taking you there on purpose, it's been in the archives for a week. Originally he was just going to go alone, but he decided to take you. So just be prepared for the people you might encounter." Minho explained, rambling slightly. He realised he might be overwhelming her with irrelevant details. But Lex could keep up with filtering what he said for key terms.

"Dodgy how? Like derros and junkies? Isn't where I live dodgy?"

Lex wasn't one to self deprecate, but her neighbourhood wasn't exactly the safest. Even with her habit of starting fights, she tried to avoid them around her area. It wasn't wise to make enemies near where you slept. If she had, she guaranteed that she would've been stabbed in her sleep. There were limits to what she would challenge in a sober state. Though there was no telling what she could do on a spur of rage.

"Yeah, but you don't do narcotics... wait, do you?"

"No, of course not." Lex snorted. While she was telling the truth, she recalled several moments in her life when it wasn't true.

"Okay, well yeah, that kind of area."

"Sounds fine to me. I've lived amongst them too." Lex shrugged, even though he couldn't see her. "And what about the mission, what do I get out of it?"

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