13: Flirting with the Line

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Lex entered the bar looking for a fight. It was a toxic mindset, but she felt the urge to let off steam somehow. As she sauntered across the bar, she was hoping, daring someone to cross her right now. The way she kept coming back to the bar, knowing it was open to trouble reflected how she felt inside most of the time.

It was like a toxic relationship with her mind that she couldn't leave. Sometimes pitying herself until she recognised it and snapped out of it. Tonight, she wanted to fight. She wanted to feel in control of her life. The patterns in her behaviour begged for help but she ignored those signs as always.

Lex always believed she'd have to be strong to make it in this world. No one else was going to do it for her. So she hated, despised being undermined when she's constantly trying to prove her worth.

Anytime a brawl broke out in the bar, they would be herded towards the ring if they weren't done before they got there. Like she was with that man a few weeks back. Lex scanned the bar, observing the people for anyone who looked like they deserved it.

There. She spotted a man giving a woman a hard time. She was clearly not interested in him, judging by how she was glaring at him in disgust. But he pushed on, leaning towards her and smirking when she nudged him and stepped backwards. I've always wanted to show someone like that their place.

Lex cracked her knuckles and sauntered over to him. As she approached, she got more and more sure that this guy was bothering the woman. Just as he reached towards her behind, Lex grabbed that arm and used it to shove him backwards. The man stumbled slightly, and the woman slipped away.

Lex confronted the man head-on. "C'mon, what are you waiting for?"

"Who do you think you are?" The man regained his footing, scowling. She hated people like this, thinking they could do what they wanted and get away with it. Though ironically, she never saw how hypocritical she was.

Lex didn't get to respond. All of a sudden, She was being dragged away from him by the back of her jacket like a puppy by the scruff of its neck. The man didn't follow her, but he stared her down.

"I'll remember your face!" He shouted after her.

Lex scowled back. Whoever was pulling her away better prepare because she was about to unleash on them instead. She spun around and broke free, prepared to hit whoever it was until she recognised the familiar blonde hair. It was Chaeyoung.


"Not happy to see me? I just saved your ass from him."

"I didn't need saving, I can handle myself." Lex adjusted her jacket. She was currently wearing a leather jacket over a hoodie, not ideal for mobility but it was cold outside and she was too warm with rage still, although it was starting to subside.

"I don't doubt that, but I know he isn't a person you wanna mess with," Chaeyoung warned, lowering her voice.

Oh please. Lex rolled her eyes, more for the man than her. They say that about every man, it's getting old. But she held her tongue because her annoyance wasn't towards her, surprising herself with her resistance.

"Where'd you end up going last time?" Chaeyoung asked curiously, crossing her arms.

"To the bathroom?"

"No, after that."

"Home? You weren't around so I left." Lex said it like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Oh, well I was." Chaeyoung seemed a little surprised.

"Why do you care? It's not like we're friends." This conversation was seeming like a waste of time yet Lex didn't know why she kept continuing. Lex noticed she seemed a little disappointed. Though she wouldn't mind if she never saw this woman again, she sighed. "Do you want to be?"

"I wouldn't mind if we were."

This could not be going more awkwardly. Is this what making new friends is like? I've forgotten. Hopefully, we can skip the small talk. "Okay, why?"

"You seem decent, and you can actually kick ass." Chaeyoung nodded her head, causing blonde hair strands to fall on her face.

"You don't have ulterior motives?"

"Er, no?"

Lex shrugged. "Fine, what do you want, my number?"


Usually, Lex would just blow people off or keep minimal contact. But she for some reason felt compelled to talk to this woman. Besides, it wouldn't kill to have a woman friend. Especially one that was prone to fighting too.

Lex had half a mind to give Chaeyoung her phone but decided against it. I'm not obligated to trust her. I'm not obligated to trust anyone.

"Give me your phone then." Lex held out her hand.

Chaeyoung handed Lex her phone, to which she typed up her 10 digits. Lex glanced over her shoulder but the man she tried to fight was no longer around apparently, neither was the lady he was harassing.

"Well, I have no other reason to be here now so farewell." Lex handed her phone back before turning and walking off.

"Yeah... bye."

Lex eyed the bar, then shook her head, continuing on her way out. At least she wasn't moping over the mission still. She had a feeling none of them even cared anyway. After all, who was she to them? A nobody. So why was she still thinking about it? Did she want to stay? Was it Minho or the money?

"What?!" Lex snapped at someone staring at her for too long.

Man, what a mess. I'm a mess. As she left, she realised she might have been grateful that Chaeyoung had stopped her from that potential brawl, she wasn't exactly in the best shape still from her previous fight. Lex rubbed her face and took in a deep breath, the wind blew in her face as she exited the bar. Why can't I be rational?


Published: 25th August 2021

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