31: True Colours

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Over the next three days, each member took turns visiting Minho. They'd go in groups or just pairs. They had brought him flowers as a joke and teddy bears. Minho rolled his eyes but was cheered up by it. It was a minor accident and they were acting like he was in a coma.

It was truly comforting knowing they all cared about him. Times like this reminded him why he was glad he did what he did to join Chan. Being surrounded by people he considered brothers, Jisung and Lex.

They had stayed for hours during the day. Jisung however, remained there the whole time. He'd wash up in a bathroom before returning to Minho's side. Changbin had snuck him a pouch with some deodorant, mouthwash, toothpaste and a toothbrush. He was staying each night.

Hospitals didn't usually allow people in after visiting hours, but there were exceptions. Especially with being a more prestigious facility, Jisung was able to gain that exception. He even went as far as paying them out for it. They were sceptical at first, but it became apparent Jisung wasn't a threat and he complied when asked to leave the room.

The doctors informed them that Minho was ready to be dispatched soon. He was speaking, reading, and going about his daily functions normally. So everything was looking good for him. One nurse had walked in while they were watching from Jisung's phone and told them to avoid blue lights. Instead, she offered books and magazines apologetically.

Minho scoffed after and hoped to leave sooner. He knew Jeongin had a pair of blue light filter glasses and wondered if he'd lend it to him. Or if they even worked. The next time Lex came by, she brought him Uno cards. When asked where she got them from, she just shrugged and said somewhere around the house.

Chan had offered to leave a car near the hospital for Jisung, but he insisted that he didn't need one. 'You can just pick us up right?' Jisung had said. Chan sighed, 'Alright, of course.'

On the third day, Chan and Minho were alone in his hospital room while Jisung went to the cafeteria again. Chan offered his debit card for him to use. They caught each other up on what has been happening for them, future plans, and constant checking up on how Minho felt.

Chan updated him on things that happened around the house. Hyunjin had offered to take Lex shopping, but she said she wanted Minho to come too and would wait for him. He was pleased to hear it. Throughout the conversation, Chan seemed distracted. He kept nervously glancing at Minho until he pointed it out.

"What's up? Why do you keep looking at me like that?"

"Like what? I don't know." Chan responded, but it was clear something was on his mind.

Minho almost believed him, but Chan was staring at him too intensely and he gulped. He had a feeling he knew what it was about. It was something he was all too familiar with.

"You don't blame yourself, do you?"

Chan didn't respond immediately. Then slowly shook his head but Minho knew it wasn't genuine.

Minho sighed. "C'mon Chan, you know it wasn't your fault. We were just messing around and I slipped."

"I know, I know. I suppose I'm just starting to worry a bit more about what I put you guys through. There's you guys coming back beaten up. Or even at the warehouse, Seungmin and Changbin could've died if they were stabbed or shot wrong." Chan blurted out. One day he feared one of them would end up dead from the way he was leading them.

They were still so young, Chan was not much older but he felt like it. He would never forgive himself if something happened to any of them. Even with Lex now, he felt responsible for her safety. They were adults, he knew that. But he needed to protect them.

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