37: Beneath the Surface

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Lex woke up in a cold sweat at midnight, her heart hammering in her chest, covers kicked off. Her body was in more pain than she initially was. When she took in a deep breath, it triggered a violent fit of coughing which ended up giving her the taste of blood in her mouth.

She had slept for the whole day. Someone had brought her soup at some point, which turned cold from being untouched.

It took her a moment to gather her surroundings and realise she was safe. It was the same god damn nightmare every time ever since she saw him again. She knew it was just in her head. But she had to check. She pushed herself off her mattress and skipped out on her slippers. They made more noise than if she were barefoot.

Being as quiet as possible, she left her room and tiptoed down the hallway to where Minho and Jisung shared a room. Stealth was one of her strong points so she made it through without making any noise. When she got to his door, hand on the doorknob, she felt creepy. It wasn't like that at all but the idea made her feel perverted.

But all she needed was a glimpse of him. After opening the door just wide enough for her head, she peeked in. After seeing Minho sleeping safe and sound, tucked against Jisung, she took in a deep breath and sighed, closing the door gently. That was all she needed. And she hoped to never have to do it again. She didn't want to disturb their privacy.

Then she went to get water in the kitchen, worrying less about stealth after she did what she needed. First, she rinsed her mouth, then downed some water through large gulps. After she grabbed a bottle for her room. On the way back, she stepped on a particularly loud floorboard that creaked.

"Lex?" A voice called out from one of the rooms. It made her jump before she realised it was just Chan. She turned in the direction she heard it from.

"How'd you know it was me?"

The door opened to reveal Chan behind it. "I recognise your footsteps."

"What, how?" Lex frowned.

"Okay, I haven't memorised them yet. I just knew it wasn't any of the others." Chan explained, realising he might sound a little creepy after. Although it was just a matter of precaution.


"Can't sleep?"

"Ah, no I had a bad dream and suddenly I'm in a lot more pain than I was before." Lex stretched her back and grimaced slightly. That did not help her in the slightest.


"The chest mainly," Lex responded, taking another large sip of water to saturate her dry throat. The last thing she wanted was to cough up more blood in her sleep.

"Do you uh... wanna come in?" Chan offered, stepping aside and gesturing to his equally small room. He managed to make it sound like a polite offer when he was actually feeling hopeful.

Lex's eyes widened. He would let her in? Where his underwear slept? Maybe he really was bored. Knowing she probably wouldn't sleep much again, Lex nodded and entered Chan's little room. It didn't have much in it, only a mattress, table, chair and a nightstand, almost the same as her room.

Lex took a seat in the chair, straightening her back against it. Any pressure on her chest would bring her pain, so she tried to stay in positions where her back would take it all. Chan sat on his mattress facing her with his back against the wall.

"So what's got you up?" Lex asked, taking another sip of water before placing it back down.

"I struggle to fall asleep a lot."

"Really? Why?"

"If I knew, I would tell you." Chan shrugged. "What about you?"

"I had a nightmare again, a very vivid one. It was about... god it sounds dumb but I thought I was being abandoned again," Lex scoffed at herself. "My parents. Minho. I don't talk about it because I don't want I lose him over it."

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