14: Only Time Will Tell

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Minho knocked on her door one too many times as he rocked on his heels anxiously. The situation wasn't as big as any of them were making it out to be, but Minho was afraid he tainted his friendship between them again. She had forgiven him out of childhood abandonment, but she was now a woman capable of her own decisions, and he was afraid that she wouldn't give out so many chances.

Minho hadn't contacted her in case she was still upset, and decided to just show up in person. Although now thinking about it, he realised it might not have been the best idea. He was only now getting an idea of Lex's explosive anger.

Lex approached the door cautiously from the curious knock. She called out through the door and asked who it was.

"It's me, Minho." He timidly responded. Lex opened the door just enough for her body to be visible. The way she was glaring at him made him want to crawl away.

"What." Lex's voice was as monotone as her face.

"I wanna talk about what happened the other day."

Lex blinked once, twice, then went to shut the door. Minho caught her by the wrist as she turned.

"Okay wait," Minho pleaded, staring at her with apologetic eyes. He didn't release his grip on her wrist. The way Lex was glaring at it made him think she was contemplating chopping it off, but he stood his ground. "To be honest, I didn't think you'd react like that..."

"Like what?" Lex remarked testily, almost daring him to speak.

Minho knew he was walking on dangerous waters here, so he trod lightly. Her aggression was oddly reminiscent of Chan, a staggering contrast. The way he felt shameful for disappointing both of them felt familiar.

"I just... didn't think you would blow up like that." Minho rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, afraid of her reaction and next move. Lex stared at him for a moment, silent and unmoving. She jerked her hand out of his grip.

"Minho, you don't understand, people always undermine me and it's irritating," Lex stomped a foot and gritted her teeth, "No one fucking takes me seriously until I react like that! What will it take for people to stop undermining me? What do I have to do, fucking- fucking GUT someone?"

Lex hadn't been aware of how loud she was getting, or that she was now slightly panting. Minho started to sympathise with her and suddenly felt more shameful for taking part in it. In hindsight it was a good idea, it was a test of her street smarts. But no one could've known how personal it was to her.

"You're right, I'm sorry. It was in poor taste." Minho nodded, averting his gaze to the ground. Lex had already started to calm down after expressing her frustration, and stopped scowling, taking in deep breaths.

"Listen, I understand the intention behind it... I think," Lex frowned for a second then shook it off. "It just struck a chord with me but... I guess you couldn't have known."

Minho shrugged. She was right but he didn't feel like disagreeing. He should've spoken up about their intentions. Instead, he felt like he was just enabling them to mock her.

"Sorry for reacting like that." It was Lex's turn to blush with shame and her voice became quieter.

"You don't need to apologise, but thanks." Minho pulled her into a hug which she accepted with a sigh. Minho winced at the pressure on his ribs, loosening his hug. He was still recovering from the mission with Jisung.

"Shit... I don't know why I act like that... I get so agitated sometimes and I can't control it."

Minho had some ideas but decided now was not the best time. Right now, he was just going to support his best friend... "It's not your fault, we were being assholes."

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