86: Lean On Me

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The bag that was shoved over he head was ripped off, exposing her eyes to the bright light. As her eyes adjusted, the light was still abnormally shiny. Her surroundings reflected white. There was indecipherable murmuring from around her. Where was she now? And how could she get the room to stop blinding her?

All of a sudden the room went dark, and a light above her head flicked on. Her eyes adjusted to the new brightness, the darkness softening the sting on her eyes. Where was she? She went to move only to realise her wrist and ankles were bound to a chair. Please, not again...

"Surprise!" Woojin walked around her chair and towered over her. His shirt was stained with blood, her blood.

No no no. Lex knew what happened next. She struggled in her chair desperately and chanted to herself to wake up. If she tried hard enough, she could peel her eyes open in real life.

Woojin flipped a knife in his hand, his eyes travelling to her forehead, a sinister smirk slowly creeping its way to his face. Wake up, wake up, open your eyes NOW!


Lex woke up with a jolt, startling Chan awake as well. She kicked off the blanket and sighed, her body was warm and her neck was sweating slightly. Those memories had been shoved deep down after they had lost Jeongin. But slipping into her nightmares was what transpired at Tenex headquarters. Many of them stopped asking, so she stopped speaking about it. She wondered whether their opinion would change if they know how truly horrifying it had been for her.

"Are you okay?" Chan whispered, propping himself up when she rolled onto her back. Though he had been getting sleep more often, he was still easily startled. But he didn't mind if it meant comforting Lex.

"Yeah... Well, no. Just another nightmare." Lex shifted away from Chan but linked one of her hands with his. It was far too warm for her currently and she needed to cool off. The breezy night was rewarding her.

"Wanna share? You don't have to if you don't want to." Chan reached out with his other hand and ran his finger through her short hair, relieved when she relaxed into it.

"Woojin... Keeps showing up in my nightmares and I have the feeling he will be for a while."

"He got what he deserved," Chan muttered, scratching the back of her head. She thought it tickled.

"Wait, how do you know?" Lex questioned. She vaguely remembered Minho had mentioned no one else knew a few nights ago in their drunken congregation.

"You told me?" Chan quirked an eyebrow. Lex had told him while they had been at the hospital. Much time had passed and her memory was weak.

"Uh oh." Lex rubbed at her eyes. "Minho thinks you don't."

"Is he scared?" Chan never brought it up with Minho, and he hadn't mentioned it to his leader. The focus had been on Jeongin and they didn't even think to care for their past member.

"Maybe, I don't know. I guess just check up on him too."

"Of course."

By this point, Lex had cooled off and she was no longer sweating. Even though she had no desire to be under the blanket again, she still wiggled up to Chan and pressed herself against him. Chan wrapped his arms around her and engulfed her in a comforting hug.

Lex wanted to fall back asleep but her nightmare was still fresh in her mind. Chan started humming a slow song while he rubbed her back. Even his humming was beautiful. It soothed her mind and she felt the vibrations from his chest.

When she started to drift off, falling into a slumber, she heard a voice. "I love you so much."


A week had passed since Lex's arrival. There wasn't animosity between her and any of the other members but there was still an unspoken discourse between some of them. Sometimes she'd have dinner with Jisung in the living room. Changbin and Hyunjin would consider joining before retreating to their rooms to avoid awkward tension. She knew they weren't exactly mad at her, but it still hurt to not be able to speak to them. It was time to step up herself.

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