34: Diving Deeper

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They had days, weeks even to pack. Yet they were rushing to pack the night before they were going to leave. There was always time to do some last-minute packing. If they were still in school, they'd be the type to do their assignments last minute. Pounding footsteps could be heard up and down the hallway outside their rooms as the members took trips between the other rooms.

Hyunjin however, was painting his nails in his room. He had already packed and used his time to glam himself up. When Lex came knocking on his door to ask about shampoo, she recoiled when the room reeked of acetate. So when he offered to paint hers, she was too curious to refuse. And that's how she found herself abandoning packing to have her nails painted by Hyunjin.

"You haven't done this before?"

"Nope. Never been opposed to it though." Lex had her hands splayed on a bed food tray. They sat cross-legged on the ground while Hyunjin brushed different colours of nail polish onto her trimmed nails. The door was left ajar for ventilation. Unfortunately, it made the footsteps louder, but Hyunjin could drown it out from his focus.

"I'm glad I get to be the first person to do this for you." Hyunjin tilted his head and smiled, his long hair falling across his face. It was satisfying how far they had come as friends. It was only a month ago where he couldn't stand her. Since then, he had been making it up to her. Here she was, letting him paint her nails.

The door was pushed open and Minho appeared. "Hey, did you borrow my headband-

Minho stopped short, staring at the two sitting on the ground. Well, this wasn't a sight he didn't expect. He was a little disappointed he didn't get the chance to do something like this with Lex first, and they didn't ask him to join. Of course, he was happy she was making closer friends but still wanted to be her best friend.

"Wanna join us?" Hyunjin offered, patting the spot on the other side of the table. Lex nodded and tilted her head towards the space next to them.

Minho stopped brooding and tiptoed around them to sit beside them. Soon Lex's nails were finished and she blew on her black and silver nails. It was different, but she was kinda digging it. Then it was Minho's turn. With both of his hands resting on the tray, Hyunjin and Lex each painted one of his hands. Lex had a steady hand, but with any loud noise, she would slip. Which Minho kept doing because he liked teasing her too.

"Knock it off! I'm not going to clean the polish on your skin." Lex grumbled, dipping the brush back into the bottle aggressively. Minho only chuckled.

"It looks good so far." Hyunjin complimented, peeking at the hand Lex was working on.


Minho giggled again which earned him a glare from her. He was testing her.

"So are you gonna tell us?" Lex asked, pausing her brushing. In the haze of the mall incident, Lex and Minho never got to chat after. She didn't want to pressure him, so she was vague about her question. But if Minho caught her drift, he would understand what she was asking. Jisung had already told him he wouldn't mind if Minho told anyone. They were just going to bring it up whenever the topic came around rather than make a big announcement.

Minho seemed to consider it. He had already wanted Lex to know and figured Jisung would've told Hyunjin anyway. "Okay guys, you ready?"

"Ready for what?" Hyunjin glanced up at them in confusion. Lex closed the nail polish bottle, she wanted to hear it for herself.

"What you've all been waiting for."


Minho cleared his throat dramatically. "Jisung and I are going out officially now."

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