♡ five - harry ♡

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       "Harry Styles, do not give me an attitude." Anne warned, gripping her container of lasagna in her left hand. "There's a banquet today at the church, and I'm not leaving you alone in this house."

       "Do you not trust me, is that it?" Harry asked, crossing his arms and resisting the urge to stomp his feet like a kid. Usually, he wasn't as reluctant to go to something church related–but that was before Louis came here and made him more antsier than usual. "Because I don't really do much."

       "That's the problem. That's why you're coming with me no if's, but's, or maybe's." Harry opened his mouth to protest, but she gave him a look of annoyance so he shut it quickly. "Is Liam coming with us?"

       "No, he's going to this nice restaurant his parents picked out." Harry grumbled, a little bummed that his friend left him to face Louis alone. It seems that Liam has been doing that a lot lately: leaving him alone.

       "How are you and Liam these days?" Anne asks. "He doesn't come over as often anymore."

       "Liam has been out with his new friends, going places without me. Guess I'm not cool enough for him." Harry said, trying to mask his hurt with a dry laugh. It hurts to know that your best friend has better things to do rather than hang with you.

       Anne swats his arm as she passes him to walk outside, unlocking her car with her keys. "You're cool enough for me, and that's all that matters."

       "Wow thanks mum, feeling cool already."

• • •

       Harry felt a pair of deep blue eyes on him as he turned to get a cup of fruit punch, which seemed to have a sharp taste to it. Ever since he's got here, Louis has been studying Harry with such intensity that he got nervous and ended up embarrassing himself.

       Do I go over there and speak to him? Do I look like a blithering idiot? Harry thought, his anxiety starting to surge as the seconds went by. Why is he so interested in me?

       Harry, deep in thought, accidentally tipped the spoon too far from his cup and let out a small cry as the juice splattered on his white button up. Some people glanced his way, seeming to be both amused and sympathetic at how red Harry's cheeks were.

       "This is suppose to be a church, can't those assholes try to help at least?" a voice muttered next to Harry, taking the spoon from his hand and placing it back into the glass bowl. "Here's some napkins too."

       Harry, too flushed to look the person helping him in the eye, held his hand out until he felt the scratchiness of the napkins slap against his palm. "Th-Thank you."

       "No problem, Styles." Harry froze when he realized who the person helping him was, feeling his stomach churn. Louis. A million thoughts started rushing through his mind, all about whether or not Louis thought he was a stuttering clutz that did absolutely nothing right. "Do you need some air? You look pale. Not that that's any different from how you usually look when I talk to you."

       "Air, yeah." Harry mumbled, feeling Louis take his hand into his. Harry doesn't know why, but the feeling of Louis' hand intertwined with his made him feel immensely safe; and he felt himself slowly relaxing as Louis lead him out of the confined church and outside.

       Harry leaned against the building, not minding that the bricks were probably leaving marks on the back of his new shirt, and looked at Louis from the corner of his eye. "Are you smoking?"

       Louis took a cigarette out of his pocket and held it between his raw pink lips, lifting the green lighter up to meet the end. "Smoking hot? Yes." The fire sparked from the lighter in a flash, so Harry watched as the small boy lit the cigarette and took a puff, removing it from his mouth.

       "That stuff gives you cancer." Harry said after a moment of silence. "Can make your teeth fall out and such. You could die."

       Louis snorted. "Is that so, princess?"

       "I-I'm not a princess. I'm a guy." Harry spluttered, shutting his eyes as he felt the smoke from Louis' cigarette blow towards him. "And yes, it's not good for you."

       "Guys can be princesses." Louis stated. "I know it's not good for me. That's why I still have them."

       "What do you mean?"

       Louis shook his head and put the cigarette between his lips one last time before throwing it on the ground and stomping on it, putting the smoke out. "I'll tell you sooner or later."

       "O-Okay." Harry wrapped his arms around himself, rubbing his arms to create some type of warmth. The breeze stung as it hit against his skin, and he immediately looked down at the cracks in the sidewalk when he saw Louis staring. "Why are you staring at me?"

       "You're quite a sight for sore eyes, Styles." Louis said with a set smile.

       If Harry didn't feel restive before, he was certainly feeling it now from the way his heart started beating a million times faster in his chest. Relax Harry, it's a compliment. Liam said that it's okay to compliment the same sex, it's meaningless. He thought.

       "I don't believe that I look that great, but thanks anyways." Harry said, his voice shrinking.

       "If you want to talk about not liking great, we should talk about me. I look, here's a quote from my father, like a druggy. I mean I can't deny that I kind of am but–"

       "Pastor Tomlinson?" Harry questions, uneasy about what Louis has admitted. "He tells you that?"

       Louis laughs, but it has no emotion laced through it. "My father isn't a good man, as much as you'd all like to think. He sleeps with as many women as he can, some that go to this very church, and he let's out his frustration with having me here by fucking them. He tried to fuck me once, the last time I came down here, but I turned him down and I guess that's what made him hate me even more."

       "You're the only person I've told about that last part," Louis concluded.

       "Whatever he tells you...is wrong. I'm not good with words, but I do believe you look great the way you are Lou." Harry responded, pursing his lips when he realized what he said.

       "Lou, huh?" Louis asked, diverted. "Didn't know we were on a nickname basis."

       "Sorry- It slipped."

       "I don't mind, Hazza." Louis added quickly. "Is that good? I was kind of thinking 'cuz he hazza big heart or he hazza big c–"

       "I like Hazza." Harry interrupted, looking back up. He nearly jumped at how close Louis has gotten in a matter of time, being that they were only a foot away from each other. "Have you ever gotten high before?"


NOTE: shorter than normal probably but heyy, i updated. next chapter will meet very HIGH standards. haha happy days bye xx.

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