♡ eleven - h ♡

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When Harry woke up, he had to blink twice because it felt like the world was literally spinning around him. Small memories of last night bounced through his mind and he felt a shy smile creep onto his face, unaware that his mother was standing at the door several feet away from him with her hands on her hips and a disappointed look in her eye.

"Harry," Anne said sternly, causing Harry's head to rise from his pillow so that he was now clutching his blankets and looking her in the eye. "Do you mind telling me why your clothes smell like bad decisions?"

"I-I don't know what you're talking about, mum." Harry stuttered. He was hoping that his mother wouldn't be home again this morning, therefore, making it easier for him to skip school and not feel guilty about it. Anne began to tap her foot at a quick rate, and Harry couldn't help but feel guilty by the second. "I went to a party last night."

"Did you do anything at this said party?" asked Anne, furrowing her eyebrows.

Harry tried to look everywhere but at his mother's eye, unable to lie to her that way. "I-"

Suddenly the phone downstairs rang from downstairs and his mother disappeared from his doorway, mumbling about how she couldn't have one day to herself. Harry sighed with relief and quickly got up, forcing himself to get ready for school so that his mother wouldn't attack him with questions.

When he got into the bathroom, his hand automatically flew to his neck when he looked in the mirror. There was a purple bruise that looked hard to cover up being that it was smack dabbed in the center, and he wondered if his mum noticed-though it would be impossible not to.

He turned on the sink and watched as the water fell swiftly down the drain, smiling because wow it reminded him of Louis. Everything seemed to lately.

. . .

Harry was in the lunchroom with Liam, who was babbling about all the things he did last night before and after he went home, but Harry was still looking around for Louis because he hasn't come to class and he knows that he's here because Harry saw him speed walk down the hall.

Liam frowned when he saw the disappointed look in his best friend's eyes and placed his hand on his arm, trying to get him to relax. He had never seen Harry this anxious unless he had a big test in Calculus, so to see him shaking like a lost puppy was absolutely heartbreaking.

It was not until after school when Harry saw Louis in the boys bathroom smoking a cigarette while sitting on top of the pale sink, he realized that something was wrong. Louis' eyes looked over to where Harry was standing in front of the door and didn't say a word, instead placing his cigarette in between his lips again. Harry opened his mouth and closed it, itching at his turtleneck nervously.

"I missed you today." Harry said weakly, moving closer and away from the door. He waited for Louis to reply with an I missed you too or maybe even a smart response that would send him blushing, but Louis didn't say anything. "Louis?"

"Yes, Harry?"

"What's wrong? Why aren't you talking to me, did I do something?" his voice wavered, but he tried to play it off by faking a cough. Louis blew a ringlet of smoke into the air and then smashed the end of the cigarette against the end of the sink to put it out, throwing it across the bathroom floor. "Something is wrong."

"Yes, you keep talking and it's fucking annoying." Louis snapped, placing his feet back down on the ground and dusting himself off. Harry's eyes dropped to the ground and he felt his heart drop to the bottom of his stomach, suddenly aware of how annoying and clingy he was. His curls brushed across his eyes and he used that as an excuse to wipe them, not wanting Louis to see him cry.

"I'm sorry, I'll just go then?" What hurt more was the fact that Louis only snorted, watching as Harry stumbled out of the bathroom and into the hall. Harry held in the sobs that were lodged in his throat and leaned against the wall next to the door, knowing that he shouldn't be so upset. Something must be bothering Louis if it made him snap like that.

"Harry? Why are you just standing there?" Liam asked, pulling the strap of his bookbag forward so that it didn't fall off of his shoulder. Harry quickly wiped away his tears with the back of his hand and forced a smile, looking up at Liam with fake excitement.

"Sorry, I was about to use the toilet but then I started thinking about my life choices and didn't." Harry joked, not having enough in him to laugh. Liam chuckled as Harry started walking next to him, placing his arm around his shoulders like he normally did.

"You're so weird, man. You talked to Louis yet?" asked Liam, glancing at Louis for any signs of distress like earlier. Harry flimched but recovered quickly by shaking his head, looking back around towards the bathroom door.

"No, he must have left early."

Liam stared at Harry for a second more before grunting, stopping in the middle of the hallway. "I forgot that I left my chem book in the lab, wait for me outside?"

Harry hesitated before nodding, continuing to walk down the hall as fast as he could. He didn't want to be here for a second longer.

NOTE: aw
what's up with louis?
hi liam, have fun getting your chem book. snorts.

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