♡ sixteen - l ♡

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"And I try so hard to be what people want me to be, you know?" Louis slurred, waving his half empty bottle of beer around. "It's never good enough. I'm never good enough."

The stranger, whom had Louis' head on his lap, only hummed at the small boy's words and took a sip of his own alcohol. After arguing with his father about his future and how he should fix himself, Louis walked out of the house with two bottles of alcohol and stomped all the way to the park, meeting a homeless guy on the way. He was a good listener. Louis squinted at the moon, feeling a light breeze blow across his skin and send shivers down his spine.

Louis continued. "Do you ever feel like you're not good enough? I feel it from time to time, but I need a straight up answer from a pro. Not that being homeless is a pro- You know what I mean."

"I'm homeless and I have no life goals, do you honestly think that I find myself good enough?" the guy said in reply, throwing his head back to take another sip of beer. "I lost any chances of being better about 5 years ago, my boy."

Louis bit his lip and sniffled while placing his bottle down, sitting up so that his nails were digging into the soil underneath the wet grass. "Hell, you might see me again if I don't get my shit together, homeless man."

"My name was Nick."


Nick gritted his teeth. "What's your name?"




Nick glanced at Louis and blinked impatiently, scratching at his thigh. "So can we like make out now? If you think that you'll get a disease or something I promise that I literally got checked out yesterday-"

"Okay, this is my cue to leave." Louis responded quickly, standing up so fast that he nearly topples over. Nick frowns and grabs Louis' other bottle of alcohol, placing it to his cracked lips before taking a long drink. "I hope everything turns out okay, Nick."

"I don't think it will," Nick said.

"Why not?"

He shrugged. "I took seven pills before you came and now I'm drinking alcohol. I'm actually ready to die out. I'm ready to leave this earth because I haven't done anything worthy enough of breathing in this world. I'll see you soon, Louis."

Louis had to resist the urge to throw up all over his shoes at the man's words, and so instead of replying he simply nodded and stumbled out of the park. Wondering when his time to go would possibly happen. He could be brutally murdered on the street at any moment. He could be accidentally killed by a flying bullet that was undoubtedly not for him. He could be killed by a random tornado and/or thunderstorm. He could even be killed by himself.

I'll see you soon, Louis, was all he could think about as he walked all the way to Harry's house; and he tried to wipe away the tears that started to fall from his eyes when the curly haired boy opened the door, eyes squinted from sleep. Harry could barely get out Louis' name with surprise when Louis slammed the door and brought them to the floor, whimpering at the feeling of Louis' lips on his.

"Harry..." Louis said in between breaths, grinding into Harry's crotch in a painfully slow manner. "I'm sorry...for arguing with you today-"

Harry mumbled something and bucked his hips up so that it created a tiny bit of friction, his eyes closing at the feeling of pleasure running through his body. Louis had his fingers hooked on the end of Harry's shirt when the light snapped on, causing Louis to tumble off him and fall onto the floor. Louis sat up and was met with the eyes of Harry's mum, Anne, standing there with big shocked green eyes and a hand mirror.

"I'm going to go ahead and say that this most definitely isn't a burglary..." Anne trailed off, placing the mirror on the top of her glass counter. Harry had his eyes shut tightly and was trying to hold in his wheezing, something that he did in terrifying situations such as this one. Louis took it upon himself to break the silence and stood up, straightening his purple button up and lifting his hand. "Louis Tomlinson?"

"Yes," Louis inquired, smiling weakly.

"I guess that we can all discuss this over tea before I decide to call your father, hm?"

. . .

Louis tapped the side of his tea cup softly and stared at the drink so that he was able to avoid Anne's eyes, clearing his throat whenever Harry coughed awkwardly. They were sat at the dinning table together, Harry and Louis on one side while Anne was on the other.

"So who dares to speak first?" she asked curiously, taking a long sip of her tea.

Surprisingly, Harry opens his mouth first. "Mum, I think I'm gay. And I know that you might not approve because it's a sin and all, but- I don't care. This is who I am and if you don't like it then you can s-"

"What?" Anne says, flabbergasted. "Honey, I don't mind if you're gay! It was pretty obvious and I couldn't really ignore that as you were growing up-"


"Harry, you use to wear pink tutus for godsake."

Louis snorted. "That's hot."

Anne glared and pointed her finger at Louis' chest. "Watch it, he was 6."

"Sorry, Ms.Styles."

"Anyways," Anne continued. "I don't mind what your sexuality is, as long as you're happy. I especially don't mind that you're dating the Pastor's son, though I wish you would've told me sooner."

"Oh mum, we aren't-"

Louis cut him off. "I wish we could've had this talk with you sooner, would've saved a lot of secrecy."

Harry eyed Louis suspiciously and frowned when he didn't get a glance or a look back, kicking the back of his foot against the chair.

"Now, what are you doing at my house in the middle of the night?" Anne questioned. "I hope your intentions were pure."

"Harry and I got into this very intense argument this morning, and I found that the only way to apologize was to break in and kiss him."

"Good, so I don't need to have the talk with you boys?"

"Mum!" Harry said in horror, placing his head into his hands with embarrassment. Louis only giggled in reply while shaking his head at Anne, pushing his chair out so that he could stand up.

"Not tonight, but I have to go. I'm sorry for disturbing you guys' slumber and I hope that you sleep well-"

Harry pouted. "Stay."

"My dad will be mad, but-"

"C'mon, just call him tomorrow and tell him where you are."

Louis stared at Anne for a response to Harry's question, and she rolled her eyes playfully before nodding at his request, but not before saying: No having sex in my house.


NOTE: hi i love you all.

ah my spring break is almost over and i did nothing

i have one word for the next chapter


wait that's two.

oh well.

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