♡ eight - l ♡

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"the intoxicating smell of nicotine were soon replaced by his breath, the smell of peppermint was now something he could get high off of. he was the only drug he needed-"

Louis scowled as he left his literature class, his knuckles white from holding onto the strap of his backpack too tightly. His cheeks were burning red from how insulted he was, having presented the poem he wrote for his class. The teacher had told him that his poetry was inappropriate and basic, but Louis knew that she only said that because he was referring to homosexuality in it.

Remembering the poem in his hand, he balled it up out of anger and threw it over his shoulder, hearing the paper land on the clean tiled floor. He hated being criticized for his work, which is why he usually stuck to planting tattoos all over his body- his body was his diary, or maybe a canvas.

"This is good, why are you tossing it on the floor?" a voice said from behind him. Louis' ears perked up and he turned around, noticing a red haired boy staring him down with the paper waving in his hand. "You write extraordinarily."

Louis looked at the freckles that splattered on his cheeks and bit the inside of his cheek, his eyes averting towards the paper. "Well, tell that to the literature teacher."

"She doesn't know true art when she sees it," mystery guy shrugged, a small grin forming on his face. "I'm Trevor, you must be Louis the-"

"Pastor's son, yeah yeah heard it all before."

Trevor's smile vanished. "I was going to say the guy that everyone's afraid to talk to, but that works."

"Oh, I'm sorry." Louis responded. "I'm still pissed off about three poetry thing. She's a homophobic piece of shit, makes me want to guage my eyes out with a fuckin' pencil."

"You definitely have strong vocabulary."

Louis crossed his arms. "Why are you talking to me? Aren't you scared that I might eat your soul? Disrespect your God?"

"I find you interesting-"

"Join the club."

Trevor smirked at the boy's confidence, holding his poem out for Louis to grab. "You're quite sassy."

"I get that a lot." Louis replied, carefully taking the unballed paper from the palm of Trevor's hand. He folded his paper neatly and stuffed it into the pocket of his black skinny jeans, looking up to see that Trevor was still staring at him. "Is there something on my face?"

"No, I just-"

"Louis! Louis, Louis! I got a 100 on my quiz in algebra...again!" Harry squealed excitedly as he ran up to Louis in the hall, pausing when he saw Trevor. "Was I interrupting something?"

"Actually, no." said Trevor. "I'll see you later, Louis."

Trevor walked away down the opposite side of the hall, leaving Louis squinting as he disappeared from sight. Harry nudged his arm and nodded his head towards the spot where Trevor use to stand in, a silent discussion between them.

"He was trying to flirt, I could feel the desperation in his eyes." Louis answered, rolling his eyes. Harry shifted uncomfortably at his words, but Louis didn't notice because he was too busy dragging Harry by the arm to his locker. "Can you believe some guys are actually gay here? Some of them have come up to me offering cigarettes. Cigarettes. I now have a whole collection of them in my backpack."

"Oh." was all Harry could say. Louis noticed the tone in his voice and grinned, knowing that Harry was definitely feeling jealous. but he didn't point it out. "Um, do you maybe want to do something after school?"

"What do you have in mind?"

Harry coughed. "Anything you want."

"Are you trying to get laid, Styles?" Louis asked playfully, causing Harry's cheeks to turn bright red. "If so, let me tell you. I am not easy."

"No, I was wondering if you and I could maybe...go out somewhere? Fun?" Harry whispered, watching as Louis digged through his messy locker. "Like the house party tonight Liam invited me too? I don't want to go alone, and I know that Liam will be with Danielle the whole time."

"Who's party is it?"

"I don't know their name, so is that a yes?"

Louis grabbed his textbook, which was all the way at the bottom of his locker, and shut his locker securely. "What will you do for me if I go?"

More blushing. "I'll-I'll-"

"I'm just kidding, Styles." Louis cut him off, smiling with satisfaction. It only took him a few words to get Harry flustered. "I'll go with you. Is Liam picking us up?"

"Yeah, at 8."

"Then I'll see you at 8, darling."

. . .

In these situations, Louis would have asked Zayn his opinion on what he should wear, being that he was kind of a fashion guru. Since that Louis has been ignoring him since the weekend, he know had no one to judge his outfit but his mirror that hid in the back of his closet. Louis groaned when he placed a gray button-up up to his chest, the loud noises from down the hall breaking his concentration.

"Fucking hell." Louis muttered, throwing the jeans onto the floor and stomping out the door. He walked up to the door and banged his fist against it, hearing the loud moans continue. "Can you keep it down in there?"

"Fuck, fuck, fuck Pastor Tomlinson! Release your demons in me!" the woman yelled from behind the door.

Louis snorted, and before walking away he added: "I think you mean semen!"

He shut his room door behind him when he got back and drowned out the moaning by playing his punk rock playlist on his phone, humming along. He picked up the jeans he tossed on the floor and slipped them on over his underwear, also putting on his button-up. He purposely left two unbuttoned, knowing that Harry enjoyed looking at his tattoos.

After managing to look presentable, he took a seat in his spinny chair, grabbing a new cigarette from his pencil holder. Waiting patiently for the night to come.

NOTE: louis voice i am in fact straight.

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