♡ thirty four - l ♡

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          She was coming tomorrow to come get Louis, and he was already about to break down crying at the mere thought of going back home with his mum. Sure, his dad was in jail and so he couldn't live alone without a guardian, but the judges could have at least let him stay for one more year until he turned 18– he doesn't know what Harry would do without him. Anything else before meeting Harry was a blur, and so he tried to reminisce in anything from the past- though, he failed.

          “Let's go somewhere today. I'm tired of moping and we need a change of scenery besides your room.” Harry inquired, looking up at Louis as he layed against his chest. The truth was, Louis didn't exactly want to go anywhere, but also couldn't resist the pouty child-like look Harry was giving to convince him. “We could go downtown, c'mon it'll be fun.”

          Louis groaned lethargically and tilted his head back to look up at the ceiling. “But humans are there.”



          “Jesus, stop calling me that.” Harry complained, curling up on Louis' side. “I should punch you in the dick for that.”

          Louis hummed. “Or you could suck my dick.”

          Harry rolled his eyes and slapped his hand on Louis' chest playfully before rolling over the other side of the bed, getting up so that his bare feet was standing on top of the stained carpeted floor. Louis took time to admire his boyfriend's body as he walked around the room in search of his clothes, his boxers hanging loosely from his hips so that the peek of his v-line was visible. His muscles flexed underneath his skin at each stride, and he bit his lip as he stared at Harry's inked skin, and that kind of got in the way of his innocent body. “Stop checking me out and give me a sweatshirt, I found my jeans.”

          “Look in my closet for the ones that look too big for me,“ Louis said with a grin, placing his hands behind his head. “Harry, tell me about your other tattoos besides the birds.”

          “Maybe at another time,” Harry said hesitantly, grabbing a grey sweatshirt from the back of Louis' closet before slipping it over his head, his curls nearly getting caught in the zipper. “Too much to explain. Just know that they're all about you, and only you.”

          Louis figured that he could live with that.

.  .  .

          “Louis, do these make my butt look fat?”

          “Harry, you have no ass.” Louis responded with a sly smile, his thumb running across the keyboard of his cellphone. He could hear Harry stomp his foot obnoxiously like he was a child at the lack of attention Louis was giving him at the moment, but Louis was too busy laughing because of the Pepe the frog memes Liam was sending him. “You know, you look just like Pepe the frog.”

          “Pepe the frog? Are you comparing me to a frog meme?” Harry asked incredulously loud, attracting looks from the workers walking by the dressing room. He was trying to be serious, but Louis noticed the corners of his lip twitch which meant that he was about to smile or laugh.

          “Froggy Styles the Fourth!”

          “I will attack you.”


          Suddenly, Harry was leaping on top of Louis on the bench so that he was straddling his hips, knocking the breath out of him at the sudden impact. Harry giggled as Louis pretended to push him off of his lap, his hands pressing against Harry's chest gently, not actually wanting Harry to stop touching him. By now, the workers were already getting annoyed with these two boys' antics, and some customers walked past with scowling looks on their faces.

          Louis could tell that Harry was trying to ignore it from the way he was staring at him, but his joyful expressin faltered as a grown man walked by and simply said: “All fags go to hell,”

          That wasn't going to sit well with Louis. “What the fuck did you say?”

          Harry looked uneasy and sick, edging off of Louis' lap as the grown man raised his eyebrow challengingly when turning to them. He tugged on Louis' sweater, trying to stop him from causing a scene, but Louis shrugged him off furiously. “I said nothing.”

          “Louis, it isn't worth it, come on–” Harry whispered as he stood up, he was thinking that Louis was about to walk away with him, but the boy stood his ground. “Louis-”

          “No, who the fuck does he think he is? Because if he wants to say it to my fucking face he can, I'm not going to let him talk to us that way.” Louis spat, his eyes furrowing as the man tried to get away from them. “Hey!”

          “Louis, come on. Relax, okay, breathe. Let's go.” Harry said soothingly, placing his hand on the curve of Louis' hip while rubbing against the skin with his thumb, distracting him enough so that he was able to lead him out of the store and outside. “I forgot to put these pants back.”

          “Keep them. I would have made you turn around and put them back if the workers weren't just watching us being harassed, like do your fuckin' job you fuckin' loser.” Louis huffed, practically glued to Harry's side as they wandered down the street. “I was about to beat the guy's ass.”

          “Language, Lou.”

          “Sorry, Froggy.”

          “I'm starting to like Henry better.”

          Louis paused. “Harry, after I go, will you try to find someone new and then try to forget about me?”

          “What? Why would I do that? After all we've been through?” Harry said, grinning down at Louis as if what he was saying was simply too silly to answer. “I couldn't forget about you even if I tried.”

          “Do you plan on trying?”



.  .  .

NOTE: horton hearz a bitch ass liar


anyways hi i love you guys it's late im sick im a winner this is a filler louis is leaving in the next chapter, or already left depends on how i write it

heart eyes

QUESTION: bitch where?

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