♡ twenty six - l ♡

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also while you're reading think about zayns intETntions


It was becoming more of a habit between them.

Whenever Zayn was busy or out somewhere else, Harry would slide his way over to Louis' room and he'd run his hands up his shirt until he gave in and took it off, oblivious to the fact that they were back to square one when it came to using each other. While Harry was completely into it, Louis was completely out of it because he didn't make any sounds nor do anything, he just stared into space until it was over- everything was meaningless. He could tell that Harry didn't notice, and if he did he wasn't showing any signs, because right after he came he pulled out a cigarette and sat at the edge of the bed to smoke.

Louis had never felt so dirty in his life.

"Where are you going?" Harry asked with a cigarette dangling loosely from his lip, watching as Louis picked up his jeans from the floor and put them on one pants leg at a time.

Louis blinked and shrugged motionlessly, buttoning them over his scarred thighs, careful not to reopen any old wounds. "Out."

"Out?" asked the curly haired boy, eyes squinting from the smoke that began to rise from the end of cigarette. Louis didn't reply to him, instead he coughed from the fumes and went in search of his white t-shirt on his side of the bed, gritting his teeth when he realized that it was hanging on Harry's index finger while being twirled around. "Gotta come and get it first."

His tone was playful, but still on the edge of mischievous, and so Louis took small steps towards him with his hand outstretched. "C'mon Harry, I'm not in the mood to play any games. Just give me-"

When he tried to snatch it from Harry's hand, Harry grabbed his wrist (unaware of how tight his grip was) and pulled Louis into his chest so that he was on top, smiling at the unamused look on his face. Louis was trying to wiggle himself out of the buff boy's grip, but he was way too weak to pull away and so he let Harry place both of his hands on his cheeks to bring him in for a kiss, wincing slightly when he felt Harry's nails dig into his skin.

"Harry..." Louis breathed in between kisses, listening to the boy underneath him hum in reply. "Maybe you're right. Maybe we shouldn't be doing this."

Harry shook his head and pressed his lips harder onto Louis, just to get him to shut up and not speak about the situation in hand, and the lack of pulling apart was nearly coming close to cutting off Louis' oxygen aupply. Louis could feel Harry's hands falling from his cheeks so that one hand was in the side of his neck, making his vision go blurry and just a tad hazy. "This feels right though, doesn't it Lou?"

"I use to...I use to think that, but-"

Harry pulled back forcefully and suddenly both of his hands were flying towards Louis' neck, squeezing so that it cut Louis off mid-sentence, the only sound in the room being the sizzle of his cigarette digging into the carpet and the faded choking sounds coming from Louis' mouth. "Louis,"

Louis began to claw at the hold that Harry had on his neck, feeling himself become purple because oh god, Harry was actually choking him and it wasn't in a good way, and he'd never thought that he'd ever be afraid of the boy in front of him that he knew for nearly a year. He's never think that he'd ever find himself in this kind of situation, even after the whole party with Trevor and his pack of friends that could be excused for wild animals. "Haz- let go."

It took about a few seconds for Harry to recognize what he was doing according to Louis, because his eyes went wide and he released his hands from around Louis' neck, watching as the caramel haired boy began to cough erratically and remove himself from being next to Harry any longer. His throat felt like it was being constricted even as he distanced himself from Harry, and the realization of everything that had just happened was hitting him from every side of his body. No. No, he didn't hurt me. He wouldn't have.

"Louis, oh my god, I'm so fucking sorry!" Harry pleaded, tears brimming at the corner of his eyes as he tried to reach Louis before he picked up his shirt and left. "I don't-I don't know why I did- I've just been so stressed lately and the thought of losing (loosing sma) you-I'm so sorry."

Louis rubbed his neck and used the other hand to snatch his t-shirt that was lying on top of the burned out cigarette, which seeped a small black hole in the front of it. He slipped it on regardless of how it was damaged, ignoring the heavy pleas of Harry telling him to stay and that he was sorry, not knowing that Louis has heard all of this shit before and was not looking forward to hearing it again. He didn't want to hear his voice again. He didn't want to be near Harry again. Ever.

He didn't care that by the time he walked out of his bedroom Harry was in a ball crying into his hands, he was only focused on getting out of this place and breathing again. Why can't I breathe? Louis was almost out of the front door when he bumped into Zayn, almost stumbling backwards if he hadn't hooked his arm on the small of Louis' back, keeping him up while looking down at him with confused eyes.

"Louis? Why are you crying? Where's Harry?" Zayn questioned, helping Louis stand up straighter and in place, refusing to let him run out the door. "Is that a bruise on your neck?"

"Fuck off!" Louis yelled, pushing his hands against Zayn's chest.

"I'm trying to fucking help you, Louis! Can't you see why I'm trying to talk to you again? I-"

Louis was not willing to stick around for the next words that fell from his lips, and so he left.




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