♡ fifteen - h ♡

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"Pastor Tomlinson, does Louis happen to be home?" Harry asked uneasily. He had just walked over to Louis' house since he didn't show up to school that day, but was suddenly nervous underneath Louis' father's scrutinizing gaze behind his black rimmed glasses. It was like being stared at by a much older and intimidating Louis, it nearly made him throw up right there on the porch.

"Yes, but I suggest that you come back another time. He's not in a good state at the moment." Pastor Tomlinson responded, his hand already on the knob, ready to close it in Harry's face. Harry huffed and grew some confidence, placing his foot in between the door so that it didn't shut, causing the older man to growl. "Are you sure that you want to see him right now?"

Harry hesitated before eagerly nodding his head, and somehow he found himself walking into Louis' house with his chest puffed out. Louis' father shook his head with disdain and pointed his finger towards the end of the hall where the door to Louis' room was, causing Harry to swallow thickly and make his way over. When he entered the dark room, he was automatically met with the deep smell of weed and sweat, frowning when he saw Louis sitting at his desk with his forehead against the table. His eyes adjusted to the white powder next to Louis' head and he sighed, coming near the small boy to gently shake him by the arm.

"Louis? Louis?" Harry whispered. Louis stirred and he sat up instantly, blinking the leftovers of sleep away from his eyes. "Louis, baby, it's me."

"Hazza?" Harry cracked a smile at the nickname and bent down so that he was eye level with Louis, biting his lip when he saw the traces of white powder underneath his nose. There were dried up tear stains on Louis' cheeks that lead to his red rimmed dilated eyes, and Harry had to resist the urge to just reach out and kiss him. "Why are you here?"

"You can't expect to not show up to school and me not to worry," Harry replied. "What happened?"


"Louis, you were drugged out by cocaine and you want me to believe that it was because of nothing? I'm not stupid."

Louis turned his head so that Harry was looking at the back of it, and he huffed with annoyance. "I didn't say that you were stupid, but you wanna know what's stupid? Coming over here to check on me. I'm not a baby."

"I know you aren't- I just-"

"You know what?" Louis sat back up and looked Harry in his mint green eyes, furrowing his eyebrows with a look Harry recognized as frustration. "We aren't even dating."

Harry opened his mouth with surprise and he stood up immediately, not wanting to be anywhere near Louis during their arguments. "Where the hell did that even come from? I know we aren't, am I not allowed to check on you?"

"No- Yes- I don't know." Louis stuttered out angrily, slamming his fist against the desk everytime he paused during his sentence. "I just don't want to be seen as this baby... who can't take care of himself all because of... illegal drugs-"

"Louis, stop. You're going to hurt yourself like that-"

"See! That's what the fuck I mean, Harry. Telling me what to do all the time when I'm the one in charge, and it'll always be that way!" Louis shouted, and with one last punch a round hole formed in the center of his wooden desk, causing the cocaine to fall through like pixie dust. "Fucking shit, look what you made me do."

By this time, Harry was fuming. "Maybe you are a baby, Louis. You want to be in charge so bad, but you can't even take care of yourself."

"Ha ha, what a good comeback." Louis said dryly, examining the splinters infringed upon his fist. "Tell me more about myself, why don't you?"

"You know what? I will. Everything your father says is true and I hate to say this Louis, but you need to grow up. Get your head out of your ass because the more you push people away, the faster they'll be gone. I like you a lot and I feel like you're abusing that-"

"Well, if you don't like it then you can just leave. What's stopping you?" asked Louis, his notrils flaring. Harry's facial expression softened and he opened his mouth to speak again, but quickly shut it when he realized that it was bound to turn into a sob. He knew the answer to the question, but he didn't want to share it with Louis. Not right now. "Exactly."

Harry nodded slowly, turning back around and placing his hand on the doorknob. "Well, if you're ready to have a decent talk like adults would then you know where I am."

Louis only hummed in reply and kept his eyes glued to the hole in his desk, wiping the powder off of his upper lip.

"Goodbye Lou."

Harry pretended that he didn't hear the soft sound of crying as soon as he shut the door, and he made it a mission to push past Louis' father as soon as he rushed out of the door. He was sure that he even heard faint laughter when he walked down the street in the pouring rain, feeling his heart break by the second.

. . .

Harry came home around 12AM, having taken a long walk on the pier near the ocean downtown, and was met by a very livid mother as soon as he opened the front door to his house. Great. She gestured her head towards the couch in the living room, a sign that she needed to talk to him, and Harry obeyed because he was too tired to argue.

"Harry, what's going on? You've been acting a bit different lately, and then you come home late." Anne asked, placing her hand on her son's knee. "You know you can talk to me about anything."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Harry, you've been using less gel in your hair and wearing it curly, your clothes consist of black skinny jeans, and you come home smelling like a different drug everyday. Don't tell me you're getting mixed with the wrong crowd-"

Harry gritted his teeth. "I don't- I just hang out with this person and they do drugs, though I don't partake in it."

"Who is said person?"

"Someone I don't want to talk about right now."

Anne nodded with understanding and patted Harry's leg gently, standing up and straightening out her night gown. "As long as you're not doing drugs, it's fine honey."

"I don't need drugs when I'm with them, mum. I'm always on some kind of high."

NOTE: hi hi

probs not my best?? but yes aw larry fighting. kms



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