♡ thirty one - h ♡

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Harry was straddling Louis in the backseat of the car, his hips rutting forward so that he was grinding against Louis with only his tight underwear on, causing Louis to groan at the feeling of friction against him. His bare c-ck was leaking pre cum onto his flat tan stomach, and Harry made it a habit to bite his lip without looking away from Louis' ocean blue eyes because all of this felt so good- fuck going to heaven if it meant not being able to do this. He leaned forward and pressed his lips back to Louis', not minding that the kiss was sloppy and dirty, their tongues sliding against each other's teeth with so much lust and want.

"Want you inside of me, baby." Harry whispered roughly, breaking away from the kiss so that he was breathing his words into Louis' ear. Louis moaned and hooked his thumbs in Harry's underwear, his nails clawing into his pale pink skin as he brought them down to his thighs until he was able to throw them on the car floor. "S'Been so long."

"It might hurt a little, okay Darling?" reassured Louis softly, stroking himself so that the rest of his c-ck was slick, not wanting Harry to be in too much pain since they were without lube. Harry watched Louis touch himself and licked his bottom lip involuntarily, getting his knees on the seat cushion to lift himself up, forgetting how tall he was and hitting his head against the roof. Louis barked out with laughter at his boyfriend's clumsiness until his cheeks turned red, earning a frustrated look from Harry. "Even during sex, you manage to be clu- Fuck!"

Harry tried to smile triumphantly as he sunk farther down on Louis' c-ck, but his mouth formed an 'o' as he felt every inch being pushed into him. He stopped halfway and placed his hands on Louis' chest, a few loose curls falling to the front of his face and sticking there just like the others before moving farther down. Louis was mumbling sweet nothings that were barely processing in Harry's brain when he felt his bum press against Louis' skin, lifting himself up with all of the energy he had left before slamming himself back down again.

"HarryHarry, doing so well." Harry ate up his words and started to move faster as he bounced against Louis' c-ck, leaning forward so that his face was several inches from Louis' so that he wasn't able to hit his head on the roof again. That would be embarrassing. Louis placed his hands on Harry's hips to help lift him up, knowing that his arms were about to wobble from trying to hold himself up for too long. The sudden movement made Louis' c-ck hit Harry's prostate, causing his toes to curl loud moans to fall from his mouth like a chant. "You can be loud, darling, don't hold it in."

Those words seemed to spark a fire inside of Harry, because suddenly a full string of profanities was erupting from his mouth. "Daddy, fuck me harder! Make me come so hard that I'll forget my name, shit, please."

Louis snapped his hips forward so that he was pounding into Harry's tight hole without much remorse, hitting his prostate exactly each time until Harry was a quivering mess above him, his words becoming jumbled. The car windows were becoming foggy, and Harry knew for sure that the car was rocking in all different kinds of directions while they were in the middle of an abandoned parking lot, and the thrill made him arch his back until he was coming hard onto his chest.

The sticky substance and sweat formed between them, but they couldn't bring themselves to realizing how dirty this was because everything just felt so right. Louis' eyes bored into Harry's intensely and didn't stop fucking himself into his sensitive hole, savoring the sounds of Harry whimpering at the feeling of still being full. Harry's eyes shut tightly and he felt himself clench around Louis' c-ck for one last final time before Louis shot spurts of come into his hole, feeling it drip down his thighs and bum. Harry's vision blurred in and out and he fell against Louis' chest dizzily, feeling himself floating, kind of like he was on clouds.

"Princess?" Louis asked groggily, rubbing his hand on Harry's back in a soothing notion. His words were coming through one ear, but going out through the other, and so could only giggle. "Princess, can you hear me?"

There was suddenly a knock on the foggy glass from the outside, and if Harry wasn't completely out of it at this point, he would've been rushing to put his clothes on, but unfortunately he just giggled again. Louis tensed and listened to the tapping sounds on the glass before opening his mouth.

"Who's there?"

"It's your best friend, John."

"I don't have a best friend named John-"

"Just kidding, it's the police officer Urie. Can you roll down the windows, sir?" the officer demanded, and Harry could hear Louis mutter shit under his breath as he reached over to the button to roll down the window- only letting it stop so that him and the officer were at an eye-view. "May I ask why you're in an area that has a no trespassing sign near it? And why you refuse to roll down the window all the way?"

"If I answer this question honestly, there is a chance that you'll be speechless."

"Go on."

Harry began to reach out to pull Louis back down again, wanting to hold him desperately until he could fall asleep. Go away, Officer.

"I just had sexual intercourse with my boyfriend because he has been torturing me all night, and I'm sorry officer but I was going to crash this car into someone else's if I didn't pull over somewhere. Which is better, crashing and dying? Or letting out your sexual frustrations?" Louis explained, his expression remaining grim as Officer Urie's eyes widened. "Better to be safe than sorry."

"Uh- Well, you need to leave. Or I will have to take you two in for disobeying the law. And then I'd have to tow your car." Officer Urie stuttered. "I'm new to this, okay. I haven't had a problem like this before. Fucking teenagers."


"You need to leave in under 10 minutes, sir, or I will have to bring you in."

"Right." Louis mumbled, then turning to Harry with a smile. "If we ever roleplay in the future, I suggest the whole cop bit. Honestly, putting you into handcuffs would be so hot."

Officer Urie sighed. "I'm still here."

NOTE: louis is me

this is smut waves hands

im sOrry if this does not meet your standards senpai just notice me pls


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