♡ twenty seven - h ♡

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"Louis fucked me with his tongue right here on this very floor a few months ago. Have you ever had anyone do that to you before? It's nice." Harry slurred drunkenly as he leaned against the bathroom stall, his fingers laced through the hair of the guy below him giving him a blowie. The guy raised an eyebrow and pulled off, a soft pop filling the empty bathroom.


"No. I had a boyfriend though, his name was Zayn. Nice lad. Cheated on him with Louis for a few weeks until he found out I had sex with him and nearly cut off his breathing by choking him- then he admitted that he only dated me to make Louis jealous." he spat angrily, his grip tightening in the guy's black hair so that his mouth was wrapped around his dick again. "Louis is ignoring me now, along with my friend Liam. He knows that I didn't mean it. He knows. I didn't want anything to turn out this way, it's just that things kept building inside of me and I got so pissed."

"You're going flacid in my mouth from all of that anger you're harbouring."

"Not really horny anymore. I want to speak to him again, but everytime I get near him he flinches. To think... that boy use to be in control and in charge, and now he's afraid of me. The boy who can't look at flowers without crying. The boy who still prays to God every night that I'll get him back even though I never had him in the first place." Harry says in awe, his jaw going slack. "After all of this, I still believe in that fucker up in the clouds."

"God?" the man scrunched up his nose, remaining on his knees while staring up at Harry. "I can't really say I agree, I mean- I'm not shitting on religion or anything, but I believe that there is no random dude in the sky watching over us. If so, what the hell is he doing for us right now? I'm sucking dick just to spite my abusive shithole of a boyfriend even though he won't ever find out about it, and 'God' has lately given me no miracles. Fuck that bitch ass c-"

"I think the Lord is just testing us, you know? Like he wants us to have a chance to fix ourselves before he interferes, and he doesn't exactly want to have to."

The stranger hummed and tapped his fingers on top of his clothed thigh. "Are we seriously having a talk about God right now? In a bar? While I'm on my knees doing anything but praying?"

Harry cracked a smile and it quickly deflated the more he thought about this conversation, his stomach churning with the inner realization that he may never have Louis in his arms ever again. He won't have the tiny boy to put him in his place, and he won't have him to smile and laugh with. Who the hell do I have? "What's your name?"

He hesitated before answering. "Cam."

"You look young, Cam."


"Get off your knees, Cam. Leave your lover-"

Cam snorted. "That's a Sam Smith song I think."

"Well, listen to him. That guy is smart."

. . .

"Harry, I believe that the Devil has has taken over your body." Anne whispered to her son as they entered through the front door of the church, refusing to meet his green eyes in fear that he would become furious. Harry froze for about two seconds before he kept walking next to her, confused about what she was saying. "You've been going out more than usual, and I've been finding cigarettes in the pockets of your jeans more often than usual. I tried to ignore it, but when you came home last night smelling like alcohol I had to say it. You're changing."

"You don't honestly believe that I'm the devil, do you?" Harry asked, a bit dumbfounded and woozy as he took a seat next to his mother in his usual row in front of the stage. "Mum."

"I'm worried, Harry."

"I'm honestly so fucking fine-"

"Language, Harry!" Anne snapped, getting looks from some of the people around them. "You use to be immune to cursing, what happened? Was it Louis? Did he force this lifestyle onto you?"

"We don't even talk anymore."

He could feel his mother being struck with a heavy realization, and so he quickly averted his eyes to the front as soon as Pastor Tomlinson walked onto the stage, his white shaul draped across his shoulder. He made eye contact with Harry for about two seconds before looking away, his hand wrapping around the microphone so that he was able to lean in and begin.

"Good morning, how are you all this morning?" Pastor Tomlinson said slowly, his lips brushing against the microphone for effect. Harry found himself studying how much the man reminded of Louis with his large ocean blue eyes and dark lashes, but it didn't make him happy, it made him angry. "That's good to hear. May we begin with quoting Psalm 91, verses 2 through 4."

The people rise and then join hands, some grabbing the hard copy bibles before joining hands with their neighbors. "I will say of the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.""

"Surely he will save you from the fowler's snare and from the deadly pestilence." Harry didn't bother to close his eyes as he recited this verse, only watching as Louis came into view on the stage and took his place in the chair seated next to a podium. He involuntarily squeezed his mother's hand the more he observed the beautiful boy, his heart doing a thousand flips backwards when he noticed that Louis was staring back at him.

"He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart."

Louis' facial expression didn't change from it's neutral position, and so Harry tried to pull it out of him by doing his loopsided grin (that failed too). He knew that these small actions weren't going to have Louis jumping into his arms and giving him tender kisses in a split second, but the feeling he was experiencing was enough to keep him breathing. Maybe Louis was his God. How cliche, he thought to himself gradually.

It almost felt like the first day they met here, but this time Louis wasn't doing his award winning smirk and making Harry pale and nervous. Fuck.

The people all came together towards the end of the prayer, their moods impenetrable. "Amen."

NOTE: ok

this is very

waves hands


QUESTION: What if i said this was about to end (even tho it isn't) ??

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