♡ twenty two - l ♡

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Months without cigarettes and drugs has been a drag, and Louis actually felt clean for once in his life. He inhaled the smell of pollen and the warm summer breeze that smacked against his tan skin, his eyes snapping open as he stared at the door of his Catholic School that he couldn't seem to remember much about. He knew that he was suppose to go in and practically show how much he has changed, but it was difficult because other people change too and that's the scary part. He waited outside for a few minutes and looked at his reflection in the glass door, holding in his small sigh due to his attire.

Yes, the classic white button up that covered every inch of his skin along with the long line of tattoos streaking down his arms, and his signature skinny jeans that his father let him keep as soon as he returned home. He looked so bland and that's all that rehab taught him how to be, but that wasn't the point. He was here to rekindle the fallout he had with one specific green eyed boy and to tell him how he really felt. Oh, yes.

Louis inhaled deeply and wrapped his hand around the door handle before swinging the door open, catching the eyes of the several people roaming through the hallway as soon as he walked inside. People began to mumble and gasp about the fact that Louis Tomlinson was back from wherever the hell he was, causing the boy to roll his eyes and loosen his grip on his bookbag.

"Louis?" a voice said, and Louis turned to his left to see Liam. Liam broke into a wide smile and rubbed his stubble before speed walking over to Louis, his shock turning into excitement. "Louis! What the fuck man, how have you been? I heard about the rehab thing, how was that too?"

Louis remembered how much he missed Liam. "It was... weird, but I honestly feel so much better coming out of there. I mean it sucked without drugs and being without you and Harry- speaking of Harry, where is he?"

Liam went pale at the sound of Harry's name and he looked down the end of the hallway before running a hand through his brown hair, that seemed to be cut shorter from the last time Louis has seen it. "Harry is uh-"

Louis turned around to see what Liam was staring at and he felt his hands clench and his nails begin to dig into his palm with frustration because fuck, Harry was walking hand-in-hand with- Zayn. Out of all fucking people. Hundreds of questions began to race through Louis' brain and he felt anger began to bubble up inside of him, and it seemed a little foreign from being locked away for so long. How the fuck and why is Zayn here? Isn't he dating that Niall kid back in the UK? Where he belongs? Louis thought, his eyes raking across Harry's choice of clothes along with Zayn's.

Harry had on ripped black jeans and a sheer black button up that barely covered his chest, so everytime that his shirt moved around there was a glimpse of his nipple. His hair had gotten longer and curlier, bouncing with volume as he strutted down the hall while whispering something to Zayn, still unaware of the cold glare he was getting from Louis. Zayn looked almost the same, and as Louis looked closely he noticed that-

Harry had about as many tattoos as Zayn had.

What the fuck.

"Yeah, after you left he ditched me and kept to himself for like a month. Then that Zayn guy came here and they started hanging out every night, now they're- dating." Liam explained sadly, placing his hand on Louis' shoulder sympathetically. "Changed him completely."

Louis felt the world around him collapsing and his breathing became labored as he watched Zayn pull the boy closer, saying something back through gritted teeth. "Oh."

Louis Tomlinson wasn't the type to just give up this easily without a fight, his venomous brain had a mind of its own and had no problem fighting for what was his. Harry was his and Zayn was a dickhead. He didn't get better just to come back with Harry taken by his ex best friend, whom got his name wrong for about twenty times over Skype; like what's up with that?

"You have this evil glint in your eye, Louis." Liam pointed out with a loopsided smile. "I love it. You haven't changed a bit."

. . .

It was by lunchtime when talks of Louis' return was by then swarming around the school, and so when the boy walked into the cafeteria with an ecstatic smile on his face everyone knew the truth. Louis let his eyes roam across the cafeteria in search of the person he really wanted to see before they found him sitting in the far corner of the lunchroom, and the funny thing was, they met eyes immediately. Harry looked like a deer caught by headlights the more he stared at Louis, and so Zayn shook his shoulder to knock him out of his daydream, trying to figure out what was wrong.

Louis watched as Harry shook his head with sadness before leaving on the opposite end of the lunchroom, and so he took this as a cue to follow him- but right after he talked to Zayn. His movements were graceful to the public eye, but by the look of terror and confusion on Zayn's face could've mistaken Louis for actually being someone about to drag him to hell. Though, he wouldn't hesitate to do that.

"Louis?" Zayn mumbled, covering up his fear with a blank expression. "Fancy seeing you here."

"Fucking fantastic seeing you here too, Z." Louis said dryly, sarcasm leaking through his voice that was laced with venom. "You're not in the UK, why?"

"Ah, so your dad didn't tell you before you left the house? I'm staying with you guys because my mum was diagnosed with some kind of cancer, and so I needed someone to stay with for a few months. He happily obliged, only with thinking that you could influence me positively since you just got out of rehab and such." explained the raven haired boy, pausing to laugh at the end of the sentence. Louis was telling himself to feel bad for this guy, but seriously. Seriously. Out of all places.

"Sorry about your mum, Z." Louis forced himself to say through gritted teeth. "How's Niall holding up since he's in the UK all alone? He must surely miss you, huh?"

"Niall, Niall, Niall-" Zayn repeated, almost as if he forgot. "Oh! We broke up before I came down here, he's not into that long distance shit. Now I'm with this guy named Harry, but he's real jumpy right now. "

"You mean the guy I tried talking to you about, but you kept forgetting his name?"

"That's him? Well, damn." Louis hated how careless Zayn sounded, as if he didn't know how Louis felt about this situation. "We're dating now."

Louis leaned down so that his face was hovering over Zayn's lunch tray before speaking, looking Zayn in his hazel eyes so that he was listening and hanging onto every word he said. "You guys are temporary. If you think that with me back, Harry will still be hanging on the end of your string while you pull him along, then you have been mistaken. I'll see you later, Z."

NOTE: dont be sad y'all bc next chapter is larry infinity omg i got the whole thing played out rn

hint: harry is about to be so disloyal smh




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