♡ twenty four - l ♡

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Louis should've known that living with Zayn in the other room next to him was going to be more of a problem then he'd like to think it was. He was going to have to deal with the raven haired boy with brown highlights bringing over what once was his, and he was going to have to deal with them giggling over the tiniest things each second. It's literally been happening for an hour now and Louis has made no effort to come out of his room, instead sitting in his bed while throwing a ball towards the ceiling and catching it when gravity pushed it back down.

He needed a plan. A plan that would surely have Harry groveling at his feet, therefore, chucking Zayn to the side as if he was cold meat. Now that Louis knew Harry had no reluctance to kiss him whilst being in the bathroom at school earlier, he could use both his unlimited charm and smart ass brain to possibly make it all work. Maybe it's not meant to be anymore, a small part of his brain argued, causing him to grip his nails into the foam ball so hard that it deflated. Louis bit his lip and threw the limp ball to the ground before moving himself off of the bed and walking over to the bedroom door, wrapping his hand around the knob before opening it gently and peering out into the hall.

Louis scurried downstairs and sighed with relief when he realized that his father wasn't home, letting himself walk into the clean kitchen in search of food. He hadn't eaten all day, still having a bit of rehab lag since he got here, and so his stomach was practically singing a whole row of songs as he moved towards the fridge. He took out the only thing in the fridge, a lone banana wallowing away pitifully in the back, and growled before peeling it.

"Louis Tomlinson, eating healthy?" Zayn said, clearly amused as he watched Louis shove the tip of the banana into his mouth with a look known as aggravation. "That's rare. You know, the last time I saw you eat a fruit was-"

Louis rolled his eyes and did his usual: "Are you quite finished?" as he took a small bite of his banana, sitting on the marble counter top with his back still to Zayn. Louis was waiting for him to go away, but the male figure remained standing while staring at the back of Louis' head with his arms crossed. Then Louis snapped. "Don't you have a boyfriend in the other room? What the fuck are you still looking at me for?"

"Louis, I don't want for you to hate me. I mean, we live together for gods sake! You can't really ignore me even if you tried." Zayn argued.

"Watch me." Louis said, grinning.

"Zayn, I'm going to start the car now so-" Louis could practically feel Harry's eyes on him as soon as he walked into the kitchen, and Louis couldn't help but feel triumphant because he made Harry speechless and not Zayn. "Louis, didn't know you were home."

"Well, I do live here."

Zayn cut in. "We're about to go to the restaurant on the corner of the park. You know, the one with the streamers drooping down in front of the windows? Do you want to come with us?"

Harry and Louis went silent at the question. What game was he playing at? Louis thought angrily. Maybe he expected that with Louis tagging along, he would get to rub in the fact that he had Harry in his face because that only seemed like the normal answer. Or Zayn could only be asking because he wants to befriend Louis again in fear that he'll take his boyfriend- everyone knows that Louis will get vicious if he needs to. "Wouldn't want to third wheel."

"Come." Harry said suddenly, trying to keep his eagerness at bay so that Zayn wouldn't get any ideas. "I honestly think that-We should all do something friends, right? You guys use to be friends right? Maybe going out can help-um-rekindle that?"

Louis really wanted to know what the fuck Harry was thinking when he let those words slip out of his mouth because it honestly felt like he wanted to see Louis break into pieces watching them both interact. He wanted to tell Harry that he couldn't really fix what was already broken, but that would be completely hypocritical since he's trying to get Harry back into his life- and so he breezily says: "Okay."

And that's how he found himself riding in the back of Zayn's car in utter awkward silence, making him squirm uncomfortably in his seat. His fingers scratched the inside of his thigh nervously, missing the feeling of having Harry's head on his lap so that he was able to tangle his fingers in his curls just like the old days. Louis could tell that Harry was watching him from the rearview mirror, and they occasionally glanced at one another with a knowing look in their eyes.

Finally, Zayn let his voice break through the tension. "So Louis, how was rehab?"

"Rehab was rehab," Louis shrugged, as if the topic bored him. "It was torturous at first, but I got over it."

"That's good." Zayn said with shock laced through his words because Louis was actually talking to him without actually cursing, but little did he know he was only doing it for Harry. Everything was for him. "Your dad was even snappier than usual while you were gone, hasn't really been home neither. He probably missed you."

I doubt it. Louis thought, though he didn't say anything as they pulled up in front of the dimly lit restaurant called JeJe. Louis was the first to get out of the car and he let himself wait for Zayn and Harry to walk ahead of him before reaching his hand out, letting his fingers pinch Harry's bum before rushing ahead. Harry gasped loudly and Zayn turned around, raising his eyebrow with confusion, but Harry forced a smile and looked to the ground.

Louis chuckled quietly and found himself grinning, already knowing that his plan for tonight was going to go inexplicably well. With just the right maneuvers and charm, he'd have Harry wrapped around his finger-and it was almost like Zayn knew what he was thinking, because his side glance wasn't the most confident in the world.

NOTE: larry very larry in the next chapter too much larry wtf zayn cry with me you're so fucked

HEY: okay so my mom doesn't think that depression exists without a doctor telling you you had it and i think that is utter bullshit. i dont need a fucking doctor telling me that there's something wrong with me since i know.

if you're going through depression right now i just want you all to know that you is important and you is beautiful. and if i can't get through this, then i sure as hell know you can too. you guys are warriors honestly, look you made it through all of these years not dying and I'M SO FUCKING PROUD.



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