Unnerving discovery

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As the day went by I couldn't focus in any of my classes. The anxiety and excitement had me impatient for tonight. Questions kept spiraling in my head. What if nobody actually shows up? Maybe it's a prank? But I really needed to know.

By the time classes were over with I sped to my dorm and immediately went for my room. I had to make sure I had everything ready for tonight. I just hoped that max wouldn't back out at last minute. I reached for my blue backpack and threw in a flashlight, pepper spray, a small ritual knife and my jar of protection herbs. I grabbed my phone off the desk and put it in my jeans pocket. Tonight would either be the last day I was alive or the last day this person was free to hurt others.

9:45 pm came rolling around and I knew it was time to head out. It took about 15 minutes to reach the edge of the wooded area so max and I planned on meeting at the courtyard to start our little adventure. I took in a jagged breath and trying to calm my speeding heart. I didn't have time to pussy out now. I needed to do this.

I caught max playing on his phone on top of one of the courtyard tables and decided it would be funny to creep up on him while he isn't alert. I walked around a few tables and crept up behind him.


Max jumped up like a firework and his phone flew out of his hands. I fell to my knees laughing and couldn't catch my breath. I didn't expect him to be such a wuss.

"What the hell! Violet, you about gave me a heart attack!!"

I wiped the tears from my eyes from laughing so hard and stood myself up. "I'm sorry but you made it way to easy for me not to scare you." I smiled at him and gave him a friendly nudge.

"Yeah well you got me good. So, how are we supposed to know where exactly at the edge of the wooded area we're supposed to meet this person?" We began to walk across the campus fountain.

I didn't think that far. I started to worry but didn't want to freak max out. "I guess we'll just have to keep an eye out and look around." Max didn't seem to fond of the idea as his eyes were full of fear but he didn't say anything. About ten minutes into the walk and we reached the entrance gates of the university. Max and I turned to look at the bold red letters that hung over the gate.

"Well, this is it." Max said trying to keep his voice from shaking. "see ya later NSC."

We turned back to the long strip of road ahead but took a left towards the wooded area by the campus. This was it. Max and I were really doing this. As we reached the edge of the wooded area we could here frogs and crickets ringing in our ears. Even if this person was here there would be no way we could hear them. I started to tense up.

"Did you bring a flashlight violet?"

I had almost forgotten. I pulled my backpack off my shoulder and rummaged through reaching for the light. I clicked it on and was finally able to see the trees around me. I assumed they were alive and were full of green leaves but really they were all dead. Wrapped in vines and moss. So much of it.

I shivered by the eerie look of them. " should we start walking then?" I looked up at max for an answer. He nodded and we began strolling.

It felt like we had been walking for miles when I finally gave up. I turned to max. "I should've known this was a joke. There's nobody here. We should just go back."

Max stared out into the woods and didn't even acknowledge me speaking.

"Max?" I waved my hand in front of his face but there was no reaction. Why was he trying to scare me of all times.

Max, you're freaking me out. You're not funny so let's just go. There's nothing here."

Still nothing.

I sighed and turned away from him. "Fine. I'm leaving without you. Catch up whenever." I began to descend away from the woods to make my way back to the campus.


I stopped and turned to max. "Yeah? Are you coming?" Max's head was tilted down but he looked up at me quickly with the an odd look on his face that sent chills through my body.

Violet, you're such an idiot." I felt a slight ache of hurt with those words. Max and I have known each other for a year. For him to just suddenly say something so weird was unnerving.

"What? Max, what the fuck? You're taking this joke a little far. Let's go please?" I felt panic swell in my chest and knew something wasn't right but couldn't figure out what it was.

"You know, I killed that whore for you because I care about you violet. I went through a lot to make sure you were able to fit in. Those photos on her phone? Yeah, I made sure those were gone too. But not once did I see any appreciation. All you wanted was to find the killer." Max took a few steps towards me.

I backed up slowly as my ears were ringing. I could hear the blood speeding through my eardrums. What was max talking about? Maybe he really wanted to scare the hell out of me?

"Wh-what are you talking about? Max, you're my best friend. You'd never kill somebody. I know that." I backed up a few more steps trying to keep my flashlight on max at all times. He kept slowly following me as he took a few more steps forward.

"Oh violet violet. You really don't know me though. You really tried. I'll give you that. Here's a little secret that you should know about me. I stole your belongings. I broke through your room. I set it alllll up just to get you down here." He snickered with delight.

I felt tears burning my eyes and sweat trickle down my forehead. Why would he go through such lengths? There's no way he'd plan to kill me right? I tried to stay positive as if things couldn't get any worse.

But damn. Was I wrong.

1098 words

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