Looking for answers

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After standing in the middle of the hall in a daze for a few moments I decided to rummage through my bag in search of my phone hoping I hadn't lost it or it was dead. Thankfully I found it at the bottom and pulled it out. The screen had a long crack from the top reaching the bottom. I huffed in frustration. I went through my phone looking for my photos to show proof that max most definitely did exist since him and I have taken several together. As I went through I could feel a lump build up in my throat. Every photo we've taken together was gone. Not gone gone but I was the only one in them. The time max and I went to the beach or the time we went to the state fair. He wasn't in them. It was just me smiling away having fun. My hands shook and I dropped my phone. My head began to pulsate more and I dropped to the floor. Tears began building as I tried taking deep breaths to calm myself.

I'm not crazy. I know max is real. I haven't been seeing things for a whole year.

I pondered through my thoughts questioning my own judgment. I picked my phone up from the ground and decided on my last resort. Speaking to the headmaster of the college.

I ran through the Winding halls taking a quick glance in the cafeteria to see if max was there failing to find him and kept moving on. I ran to the front of the building slamming the door open to the headmaster's office seeing the dean mr.Williams look up in surprise from his desk. He looked from under his thick spectacles and cleared his throat.

"Is there something I can help you with miss.Davidson? You came in here in such a rush." I blushed in embarrassment as I realized how messy I looked. Uncombed hair and sweat dripping down my forehead.

"I apologize mr.williams. I was just wondering if the headmaster was in his office. I really need to speak with him." The dean stared at me for a few moments curious on why I was in such a need to speak with the headmaster but sighed.

"Yes, he's in the back. Make sure to sign your name on the clipboard before going in." Mr.williams handed me the board and I signed it then headed to the back room. I knocked on the door and heard the clearing of a throat before a come in was spoken.

I walked in to greet the head master mr.Robertson as he sat behind his desk with all 280 pounds of him typing away at his computer.

"Excuse me headmaster. I don't mean to intrude but I needed to ask you a question." He hummed in response which only meant go on. "Do you know if there is a student here by the name of Maxwell Perez?"

The headmaster stopped typing and looked up at me with his flushed round face and uneven shaved mustache. I'm not sure how long the silence proceeded but I could here the clock behind him ticking loudly.

Mr.Robertson shifted in his chair. "I can look through the paperwork and see but why are you asking so suddenly?" Now it was my turn to fidget contemplating how to word the next sentence that came out of my mouth.

"Well, I woke up in the nurse's office this morning and asked if max had brought me but Mrs.Thompson told me there was nobody by that name she knew of. She told me somebody by the name of Lucas brought me in and he's in the same classes as I. I've never met him though before." The headmaster scratched the back of his balding head and sighed. "Give me a moment to go through the files and I'll see what I can find. Just take a seat and I'll be right back." Mr.Robertson grunted as he stood up from his chair and wobbled over to the office door closing it behind him.

I sat down in the hard plastic chair that was across from the headmaster's desk. It was eerily quiet while I listened to the ticking of the clock on the wall and fidgeted with my fingernails.

About ten minutes went by and I heard the office door slide back open. Mr.Robertson came in huffing and puffing and waddled his way back into his office chair.

"So, I looked through the files and I do not see a name by Maxwell Perez. I DID however find a file by the name of Lucas Colten." I sat still processing what the headmaster just said. It didn't make any sense.

"B-but that's impossible! Max was literally just with me last night! I know I'm not crazy!" I felt heat rise up in my face as I became irritated.

Mr.Robertson was already back typing on his computer without looking up. I gritted my teeth and slammed my hand on his desk making him pause. "Are you SURE there isn't anyone by the name of Maxwell Perez?"

The awkward silence surrounded us again. Mr.Robertson sighed and looked up at me slowly. His eyes glazed over as if he wasn't exactly here. My hand balled up in a fist as I felt the pulse through my fingers. I was getting irritated with this old fat man. The headmaster smiled an ugly toothy grin and began to laugh hysterically. I unbound my fist and backed up a few inches. This man was mad.

"It seems someone has been altering minds around here hmmmm?" I stood still watching as mr.Robertson stood stretching his arms. He glanced at me and his blue glazed over eyes were black. I felt panic run through my veins. The headmaster snickered as he walked around the desk without breathing heavily or waddling. "You know, for a young girl in her twenties who's father is quite praised I'm surprised you haven't been able to fight the veil over your mind yet." My heart leaped in my chest.

"M-my father is dead! He died when I was 8!" The headmaster snickered at this. "Is that what you were told? That that man was your father?" mr.Robertson cackled as his head went back.

"What are you saying!? How would you know!?" My breaths quickened as mr.Robertson's face distorted into a serious frown. "Oh my dear. Nobody has told you? You're the daughter of a greater demon."

1083 words

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