The cover up

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I felt myself being swooped up again and the scenery changed a third time. At this point I was to numb to really care. Everything I was seeing had me at a loss for words. Before I knew it I was back at my parents house in the living room. I sighed heavily not wanting to be here but knew at this point I had no other choice. I glanced around seeing my younger self sleeping on the sofa. My father still laid on the ground. His brains hung out like mush and I could see a fly entering his mouth. I gritted my teeth.


I placed my hand over my eyes trying to wash the image from my mind. Replaying my trauma was really taking a toll on me. I made a mental note to never ask Lucas for help again. While processing my thoughts I heard a creak by the kitchen and whipped my head to glance over. A tall dark figure hovered over blocking the dim light of the kitchen. I shivered as two red orbs came into view. The figure walked into the living room casting a dark glow on his features. I could only see the outline of his face before he leaned down peering over my dad.

No fucking way

Lucas's hair fell over his face as he placed his hand on top of my father's back patting it almost with pity. His head turned to me on the couch and he chuckled quietly. I felt my heart hammer in my chest confusion spreading over me. I felt bile rising in my throat seeing Lucas there over my father's dead body. Black horns laid atop his head and his nails were long. MoonLight peeked in from a slit in the curtains reflecting off of his skin and eyes. His appearance truly looked demonic. I watched Lucas poke at my father's brain in utter disgust before pulling a piece making a sickening slimy sound. He tilted his head back smelling it and then licked it. I gagged and covered my mouth. Lucas reacted the same. He tossed the brain matter to the floor and wiped his mouth vigorously. "Vile. Tainted. Absolutely disgusting." He mumbled quietly. He took a few steps toward the couch and hovered over me looking at the pictures on the wall. I raised my eyebrow and he pulled one of the wall and wiped it with his finger leaving traces of blood on it. I stepped over slowly realizing he was holding a picture of me on my first day in second grade. I pursed my lips tight.

So, he's a pervert?

A smile danced on his lips for a second when another voice crept into the living room. "Libidine, we don't have time for you to reminisce over the child. Do what needs done so that we can leave. Asmodeus doesn't want us gone long." Another tall figure entered the room. A man maybe in his early 20's walked in with bronze colored skin. He was shirtless. His hair fluffed around his head a sandy brown. Just like Lucas two large horns sat atop his head but they were a yellow tint. It felt like my world was coming down on me. My body froze and I thought my heart had stopped beating.

Max!? What the fuck!?

Lucas sighed and nodded. He placed the picture back on the wall before turning back at max.

"I got it sicario."

Lucas grabbed the hammer laying at the edge of the couch and placed his hand on it. The tool glowed an ominous purple light before finger prints showed up. Both small and large. They began to sizzle away leaving the hammer clean of the smaller prints. Max walked down the hall to my mother's room humming to himself quietly. A moment later he reappeared. "What is the point of all of this though? I mean to be quite frank I could care less for the girl. She's merely a half breed after all." Lucas growled at him. "Our orders were from asmodeus. He rules over both of our fathers idiot. Do you want our families to have a bad rep with Lucifer and all of the underworld?" Max put his arms up in defeat. " I think you have an unhealthy interest in the girl personally speaking." He laughed. Lucas sighed. "Shut up sicario. You're delusional." Max chuckled to himself. "You keep believing that lib but usually you wouldn't accept an order so quickly. Even from someone as high up as asmo." Lucas cringed at his nickname.

"Don't call me that." He hissed. My younger self started to stir and mumble quietly and Max stiffened. Lucas placed his hand over my head and whispered gently. "sleep child. The sun has yet to rise." I watched as little me relaxed under his hand and quiet snoring was heard. Lucas smiled gently and my body began to glow a soft purple. The blood stains on my clothing and body sizzled away like little rain drops hitting hot pavement. My younger self giggled a little bit before back to snoring again. He picked me up in his arms and walked to the back of the hallway reaching my room. Max followed behind closely biting his lip. I followed as well watching their each move. Lucas sat down placing me in the bed slowly and covered me with my blanket. He stared at me for a few moments until max cleared his throat. "Come on!" He whisper yelled. " this wasn't part of the job!" Lucas stood up slowly brushing past max. "Let's finish this."

Max scoffed and shook his head. They re-entered the living room and Lucas pulled his sleeves up to his elbows. "Ready?" He asked max. Max smiled deviously.


Lucas's eyes glowed a dark ruby and dark matter formed from his hands. A second later things were falling from bookcases and glass cups flew across the room shattering. Papers blew around on the floor and the front door doorknob popped off. The couch flipped on it's side loudly. Max cackled as he grabbed whatever he could in the kitchen shattering bottles of liquor and tossing leftovers in the fridge at the wall. I watched in absolute shock as the two demons destroyed my family home. I couldn't fathom any coherent emotions although the closest I could come up with was possible rage. A few more minutes passed before things began to quiet down and items stopped flying around. Lucas put his arms down rubbing his palms together as if he were in discomfort. "I'm rusty." He murmured. Max walked over and stood next to Lucas. They eyed the wrecked house before turning to each other and nodding.

"Looks enough like a break-in to me." Max snickered. Lucas grimaced and brushed his hand through his long dark locks. "Indeed. Now let's go. We're on a time schedule." Max rolled his eyes. " I told you that from the beginning." A moment later and they faded out into dark matter leaving the house silent again except for the ticking of the clock on the living room wall. I shakily walked over to the now flipped couch seeing a frame face down on the floor. I picked it up and turned it over seeing my mother's smiling face. The glass cracked. I pulled it to my chest tight and all the emotions I couldn't release a moment before rose up in a loud raged scream.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2022 ⏰

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