Fight to live

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Max took a few more steps towards me and I backed up to trip over a stone.

"How'd you know about the pictures?" I asked max while my voice was shaking. Max smiled with the most ominous look on his face.

"You really are a fool violet." Max snickered again. "You really aren't very educated for being a witch." I flinched when he brought up my secret. How could he have known I was a witch?! Was he actually a creepy stalker and I never knew? I couldn't handle the words coming out of his mouth. I dug my nails into the grass hoping that this was just some huge prank.

"H-how do you know so much about me? Nobody knows that I'm a witch!" Max stared down at me and then sighed. "I didn't expect I'd have to show you but i guess it's the only way." Max backed up a few steps and I straightened up thinking that I may need to run but stopped. Max's face began to distort looking as if it was out of a scene from the exorcism. My breath caught in my throat as I watched his wavy brown hair grow and his skin change from that sun kissed tan to an oily looking gray. His nails grew forming into yellow talons and his eyes became a cold black. His teeth grew looking like a saber tooth tiger's. I shivered at the appearance of who I thought was human. He looked disgusting.

Max smiled at me and began walking my way. The smell coming from his body made my stomach twist. It was like sulfur with a tinge of rot. The scent made it hard to breathe.

Still on my butt I slid backwards with shaky legs trying to keep distance.

"What? Do you not like me anymore? We've always been friends. Why so scared now violet?" Max had a look of hurt on his face. "You''re not my friend! What the hell are you!?" I couldn't handle the smell wafting off of Max's body and began to gag.

"Well, that's not very nice. I took care of that dumb bitch for you and this is how you repay me!?" Max's facial expression switched from hurt to an ugly grimace.

"If that's how it's going to be then there's no point in keeping you alive now is there?"

Max rushed towards me and I gasped. I rolled over to the side before his nails sliced through the ground. I screamed and crawled onto my feet. I tried rummaging through my bag to find my ritual knife but max was already coming my way. I jumped inches out of the way before he snatched my t-shirt scratching my side leaving a burning sensation.

"Are you really going to put up a fight violet? You know stasia did the same thing. She tried running too. Look where that landed her. Why not just make this quick and easy hmm?" Max let out a loud cackle.

I realized I had dropped my bag dodging Max's attack. I stood in place not able to move. The fear coursed through my body as sweat had soaked my hair. I glanced at max as he stood there looking as if he was getting ready to pounce again. Before he could do so I ran to grab my bag but was immediately slammed into the ground. My head bounced off the grassy dirt and felt warmth spread over my face.

I was flipped around to meet face to face with this disgusting creature. His mouth inches from my neck. I could feel the heat from his breath. I choked up and my eyes watered from the smell of rotten flesh.

"Now who said you could run? That's not very nice." Max spoke as drool dropped from his mouth onto my chin. I felt so sick. I couldn't take it. His body sat on my stomach and I felt something dribbling down my cheek.

"Aw, you're bleeding. Was I little to rough on you?" Max asked as he brushed my hair back with his talons. I flinched from the touch. Max leaned down to my ear and whispered.

"Im going to be nicer to you than I was to stasia. I'll take your body and make you feel good then I'll devour you." Hot tears began running down my face. I had no way of getting out of this situation. Max tore at my clothing with his long talons leaving me exposed to the warm summer air. I could feel the light breeze brush against my breasts as my bra was ripped from my body leaving a brush burn against my ribs.
This is it." I thought. I'm going to die here just like stasia did and there's no changing that outcome. I squeezed my eyes shut as I felt Max's long wet tongue touch my bare skin. I shivered from the awful feeling.

I'm going to die.

I'm definitely going to die.

I was a fool to even come out here.

Thoughts raced through my head as I waited for him to take advantage of me but there was nothing. I waited another second and then opened my eyes. I inhaled sharply seeing that max had completely froze in place. His eyes moved around rapidly and his mouth agape. I lifted myself up as much as I could and flinched from the pain in my head.

Max still didn't move. I shoved him off of me and crawled to my bag a few feet away. My body was in so much pain. I rummaged through my bag for my ritual knife and pulled it out as I sobbed uncontrollably.

I turned around and my eyes widened. Standing behind max was a tall and slender man with long black hair tied up and eyes the color of rubies. His skin was so white he could've been accused of being the new Dracula. In his hand was that of a heart. His hand covered in dark crimson blood. My heart slammed against my chest unlike the one in the stranger's hand. Another second goes by and the man squeezes the heart in his hand popping it like a balloon. I felt a scream build up in my throat as the strange man started taking steps toward me. I tried to move but my body was aching to much and my head pounded.

Once the man reached me I only caught a glimpse of a white and black uniform caked in blood before everything fell into darkness.

1097 words

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