The man in the trench coat

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I felt my body spin and my feet gently touch a concrete sidewalk. It was dark outside and several stores lined up the road. I squinted my eyes reading each sign. Burger queen, dog's mart, a hair salon by the name of Molly's and in front of me a small Buisness.

Sarah's herbs.

It was my mother's shop. I walked across the street past three homeless men hanging out around the alley probably getting high. The lights inside were dim which probably meant she was closing. I stood by the door hands Shaky scared to see her face again after everything that happened years ago. I saw a blonde haired woman's head peek up from one of the Isles and I breathed in sharply. The woman walked towards the register and there stood my 5'7 mom. Slender figure and glowing pale skin. Her blue eyes hooded with exhaustion and her cheeks a flushed pink hue.

She has a fever.

I watched as she made her way to the front doors and even though this was only a memory it felt to real to me. My heart felt like it was being tugged and I wanted to cry right there. She opened the doors and took out a key to lock them. I immediately got a whiff of her rose scented perfume and felt tears burn the corners of my eyes. I missed her so much. She sighed heavily and turned to the three homeless men by the alley. "You men shouldn't be here around this hour. The cops will be making their rounds and if they see you off to jail you go. It's best you take your business elsewhere tonight." She gives them a light smile.

"Oh yeah! Thanks ma'am!"

"Yeah, you're a life saver!"

The third man nodded to her and they scurried off quickly. I forgot how loving and gentle my mother always was. People immediately loved her and respected her. She brought people of all backgrounds together. I choked up a bit. I don't know why this is a memory that I got sucked into but I didn't mind. It was nice to see my mom again. I watched as she pulled her bag over her shoulder and began descending to her vehicle. A man walked through me a few seconds after in a top hat and a long dark blue trench coat. He paused at my mother's car and I felt fear swell up inside me.


My mom jumped just as she was getting in the car and bumped her head. "Ouch!" She winced in pain.

"I'm sorry to disturb you at this hour but I believe you said we needed to talk?" The man asked in a gravelly tone. My mother froze for a moment and then gave a defeated huff. " I wasn't expecting you to follow me here. You know you could get me caught." I raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"I know, but you did say it was quite important. So I'm here now." The man put his arms out showing inky tattoos on his fingers. They looked like snakes slithering around. I shivered. My mother got out of her car and closed the door quietly. "Okay but let's make this quick. My husband will get suspicious if I'm not back at a certain time." She looked at her watch and I peered over to check it.

10:30 pm.

Who was this man? Why was my mom so concerned about the time and my father being suspicious? What was so important? I started biting at my fingernails anxiety creeping in. I'd never seen my mom so cautious before. She grabbed the trench coat man's hand and pulled him over by the alleyway. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled his hat off. Underneath was a man who looked to be in his late 30's with a long red scar across his nose. I squinted my eyes to get a better look. His hair was a long dark brown and pointy ears peeked through. An earring the shape of a snake hung from the one I could see. His eyes blazed a vibrant green and he had a short beard. My mother leaned in and kissed him on the lips and he wrapped his arms around her waist.

"It's been awhile Sarah." He chuckled softly.

"Indeed it has asmodeus." Her eyes glazed over with love. I felt shock rush through my body like electricity as I watched my mom being touched by another man. The words from Andras and my father started wrapping around my brain.

My mom was cheating after all. Asmodeus. A..a demon!? With a demon!

"Asmodeus, there's something you need to know." My mother looked away from him with shame in her eyes. Asmodeus grimaced and took her chin in his hand so that she was looking at him directly. "What is it darling?" I watched as my mother's demeanor changed from tense to soft again. She grabbed his hand and placed onto her stomach.

"I am with child and..I know it's yours."  I felt my mind become foggy and my legs become weak.




She's lying!

I wanted to scream and I wanted to shove that man away from my mom. I wanted to cry but all I could do was stare. Nothing came. No tears and not even a single breath. My mom cheated on my father and I truly am a demon's daughter.

915 words

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