Andras and lucas

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A week went by without any issues. Lucas and I would see each other in the halls or in class but anytime I would go to ask him about the night with the wolf he'd disappear. Surprisingly there weren't any incidents after that situation. Easter was coming in close at this point so a lot of the students were packing up to go home to see their family. This was my time to celebrate the rebirth by invoking ēostre the goddess of spring. The only family I have is my aunt but it's rare that I see her nowadays. I've been so caught up in the college life.

I wonder if Lucas is going home as well.

I flinched at the thought as I sat on my bed. Why would that matter? It seems as though he's just a distraction and only causing more problems for me. I sighed through my stress and decided to put that behind me.

I needed fresh air.


Lucas stood in the middle of the grassy field behind the college taking in the crisp spring air. A breeze blew though his long black silk hair. Blades of grass brushed against his pant leg as he heard the grass shift.

"Andras." Lucas turned his head to the side to peek at the man standing behind him with a black dog on a leash at his side.

"Hello libidine." Andras smirked as he reached Lucas. "It's been awhile hasn't it?" Lucas snickered.

"So, why are you here? You also know better than to use my name like that here." Lucas turned completely to eyeball Andras.

Andras stood tall at 6'5 with spiked up blonde hair, golden eyes and black swirls tatted up his right arm. His features Jagged with slight stubble. "Aw, don't be like that. I just wanted to visit you for a bit." He shrugged his shoulders with innocence.

"Can you say that about your dog?" Lucas asked irritated as he glared at the black ball of matted fur below him. Andras laughed. " you know feyre wouldn't do any harm to such innocent people." He rubbed the back of the dog's ears as he panted with approval from his owner.

"You allowed that mutt to attack violet. You purposely came here to gain power over her as well as me. You're so stuck on the fact that my father is more powerful than yours and so you want to take what's mine." Lucas's eyes burned with hatred.

"You can't expect me to accept such a useless man as your son to guard my own!" sanguis, Libidine's father spoke loudly as he argued with his long time friend Nosferatu. Andras's father.

"Weak you say?!" Nosferatu slammed his fist on the dinner table that both demons sat. "My son is more than worthy to stand beside your son as both an ally and a guard!" Lucas stood behind the door listening to his father rage back and forth with andras's father.

"Andras is NOT strong enough! He lost his battle to tenebris during the war between the higher ups and the lingering. Tenebris is one of the weakest links! Do not keep going on with this foolishness anymore Nosferatu!"

Lucas felt his body shake knowing that this argument could ruin his friendship with Andras. Him and his father have always struggled to get approval by Lucifer himself while Lucas and his father were always deemed one of the strongest links for battle. If Andras heard this it would destroy him. Lucas raced from the door back to his cleaning duties to see Andras standing by the metal plated door of the front room.

"So, I'm weak hm..?" Lucas clenched his fists as anxiety built up.

"Andras it's not like-"

"Then what is it like?!" Andras's voice boomed through the echoing room. "Am I joke to your family libidine? Am I just some foolish weak bug to be crushed!? Instead of standing up for me you allowed your father to talk down on me. For that I'm going to make you suffer. You and your father. Anything that you love. I will become stronger and I will prove how much of a weak little shit your family is." Andras grabbed his cloak and wrapped around himself as he shoved past Lucas only to turn around before walking out the door.

"This isn't over."

Lucas shifted his weight and leaned forward. "You weren't lying when you said you'd take everything from me but to do so because of the hatred and anger that our fathers have for each other is unethical. You're taking your anger out on the wrong person Andras."

Andras snickered. His gold eyes burning bright with vicious intent. "You like that girl a lot don't you. It would be a shame if something were to happen to her." Lucas growled and shot forward clawing his hands around andras's neck.

"You.will.not.touch.her." Lucas's finger nails grew forming into black talons and his teeth became sharp. Andras cackled and put his hands up.

"Oh no. How terrifying. Just stay out of my way libidine. We wouldn't want the truth of what you are leaking out to your little love interest would we? Not to mention everything you've been covering up. Her memory, her family.." Andras whispers the last part quietly. "Her powers."

Lucas breathes in heavy and releases his grip. "Just keep your ugly mutt away from violet. Whatever you plan on doing with her won't happen." Andras smiles deviously.

"We'll see about that." In a flash Andras dissipates in the breeze with his furry companion.

"You won't have her."


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