Into the woods

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The whispers echoed in the dark cave I was in. All jumbled together so that I couldn't understand. The dark rocks felt like they were getting closer as I stepped further down. It was hard to see but I could tell the rocks were damp as they shined with soft light from the moonlight outside. I took another step and slipped. Liquid splashed up in my face as I felt my clothes dampen.


I slid my hands around looking for a rock to pull myself up stopping as I grabbed onto something. My heart skipped a beat.

What is that? It felt like something spongy. Moss maybe? I looked up but couldn't see anything and worked my vision to see through the darkness caressing the cave. My breath hitched in my throat as I looked up where I had placed my hand. It was a silhouette. A person. I slid back against the cold stone behind me and covered my mouth to keep from screaming.

Wh-what the hell!? I felt my body shiver either from fear or the cold water I was sitting in. I couldn't tell. I could hear the whispers and echoes of the voices getting louder in the cave. Their words starting to form to where I could understand.

You killed him.


You're not human!



I looked around searching for people or something that could be saying these strange things but I couldn't see. Crumbling sounds made me snap my head back to where the silhouette was standing. It was moving. I flinched as I felt the stone behind me poke against my back leaving discomfort. The silhouette moved from the wall making cracking noises and groaning as if in pain. My heart rammed against my chest and I felt my anxiety fire up. The figure began limping towards me and I huddled into my self. I covered my face in my knees begging for all of this to end.

Then I felt it.

That same spongy texture touching my head. Fluids running down my forehead. That's not water. I slowly looked up. In front of my face was my father. Half of his skull gone. Decaying teeth and no eyes. He looked at me with no expression.


He leaned back and opened his mouth wide. It dropped down past his neck and looked as if he was frozen in horror. He then looked back at me or what I thought and screamed.

I covered my ears as the cave walls shook and the whispers became screams as well. My father leaned back in my face.


He grabbed my damp shirt and began shaking me. I screamed and tears overflowed as I grabbed his bony hands trying to wring them off of me.

It's not my fault! You killed mom! I did nothing wrong! I did nothing-

My eyes shot open and I sat up in bed quickly. My clothes were damp from sweat and I wiped my forehead with the back of my hand. I could still feel my heart racing from that sick dream. It must've been from talking with Mr.Robertson. It's messing with my head. I reached for my phone on the desk by my bed and checked the time.


I slept awhile. I got up, stretched and dug through my dressers for clean clothes. I was planning to go near the wooded area again although it was probably not the smartest idea. This was already the second time I was going but things aren't making sense in this school anymore. After that night with max nothing is adding up. I shook my head at the thought and decided to keep my plan in place.


I grabbed what I could just like I did the other night and was ready for my small but sketchy adventure. I wish max could've come along. Wherever he is. If he was even real in the first place..? My heart aches thinking of such a thing. All the memories I had of him and how close we were definitely aren't false. I sighed as I made my way out of the university doors.

Game on.


Getting to the wooded area by the university seemed a lot harder tonight. When max and I chose to go the other night it took us about 15 minutes but it took me almost 25 this time. I kept tripping over pebbles and branches. It's as if the trees don't want me here. I snickered at that. Would definitely be weird. I pulled my flashlight out of my bag and started walking around searching for any evidence that may give me a clue on what happened the other night. I'm not sure where exactly max and I had stopped and there were miles of trees. I decide to walk down left knowing that was the direction max and I had followed before my memory decided to take a shit on me. Shining the light into the woods I remember how eerie it was the other night. Moss covered branches and puddles of what looked like mud. Looks so..depressing. I stopped at a spot in the woods which looked like an opening to walk through. The trees seemed to form in an odd manner. Wrapping around each other and creating a tunnel like entrance. Almost pretty in my mind.

I knew I probably should've kept walking but something about it made me want to check out more. There was a bit of a dip that slid down to the opening so I shined my flashlight down as I slowly trotted a few steps. I went to take a last step but my shoe snagged on a root. I slipped and rolled the rest of the way down smacking my head into a puddle of grime and dirt.

"Yech!" This stuff was disgusting! I sat up on my knees and tried wiping what I could off of my face. I realized that when I fell my light must've slipped from my hands and dropped into the puddle with me. It kept flickering and was covered as well.

"Fantastic." I thought to myself. Now I had to go off of natural lighting. I could use my phone but probably better to keep it charged in case. I stood up grabbing my flashlight and shook it off. I was due to buy a new one anyways. I took a moment to take in as much as I could of my surroundings around me that I could see. The woods looked beautiful from inside. Maybe because it was dark but the way the silver moonlight hit was like a fairy dreamland. The moss on the trees had a softness to them and I could see mushrooms growing on trees. Like little staircases. Everything looked like it had life breathing through. I walked deeper into the woods brushing my hands against the mossy trees and feeling the night breeze kiss my cheeks.

I can't believe all of this beauty has been hiding here.

I smiled at the view and began to zone out in my imagination when I heard the snap of a twig. I paused for a moment thinking that maybe it could've been a squirrel or maybe a rabbit. I stood still for another second but heard nothing. I slowly began to make my way farther into the woods having no clue where I was going but not minding it.

Again, another snap. I hesitated again. This time it sounded closer. Was something following me? I shivered at the thought and came up with an idea. I took a few more steps forward trying to keep my breath even so I could hear the sounds around me.

One step, two steps, three steps. Snap, snap, SNAP!

Something or someone WAS on my tail! I immediately went into hyperdrive and ran between trees and bushes.

Snap, snap, crackle, SNAP!

Whatever or whoever it was they were fast and they weren't slowing down. I turned a corner around some bushes and slipped on a wet patch of moss and mud. I landed on my elbows and winced in pain. That was going to leave bruises. I heard a low deep growl behind me and I turned to see red violet eyes staring back at me. Black bristled fur wrapped whatever creature stood about 2 feet from me. I backed up a few inches trying to form whatever thing had me trapped. Then it dawned on me.

A wolf.

This looked nothing like a regular wolf though. It was huge. It had to be the size of a bear. An unrealistic sized bear. I shielded my face with my arms as if that was going to save me. The wolf hunched over and lunged at me. I screamed loudly as a brisk breeze blew my hair into my face. I moved my hands and the wolf was blown back and landed against a tree making it whine in pain. I clawed at the nearest tree and stood up getting ready to make a run for it when I heard a man's voice from behind me.

"Why are you here!?"

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