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I slowly turned my head to face no other than Lucas.

"Wh-why am I here?! Why are you?! What is that monster? How did he fly that far?!"

Lucas stood in front of me half his face illuminated by the pale moonlight making his eyes gleam a ruby. So realistic. My head shot back to where the wolf had landed as it began to stir up shaking out its fur.

"Now is not the time to ask questions! You need to get out of here!"

Lucas walked over and grabbed my wrist roughly making me flinch in discomfort. What the hell? Does he think I'm a child? "Lucas wait! You need to explain to me what's happening!" I pulled on Lucas's arm to make him let go but he didn't budge or turn back to look at me. "Violet, this isn't the time to ask me questions. Right now your life is in danger and you need to get back to your dorm room. If you can run back after exiting the woods I can take care of the wolf. It'll save you enough time." I heard growling behind us and snuck a peek seeing that the ugly beast behind us was hunched over looking about ready to pounce.

"L-Lucas! You better make it quick or we're both lunch meat!!" Lucas cussed under his breath and slouched down pulling me onto his back. "Don't say anything. I'm just trying to get you out of here." Lucas says as we race towards the wood's exit. Wind whipped through my hair as I heard feet pounding against the dirt ground behind us. How was it possible to be going so fast!? Wolves are quick on their feet. But a wolf that size!? We should've been pulverized by now. I wanted to ask but remembered Lucas said no questions.

I wrapped my arms tightly around Lucas as we took a sharp turn with the wooded exit in view. "When I tell you to run you run understand?" Lucas asked over the whipping wind. "G-got it!" I answered back shakily. Lucas took one last step and slid his feet across the mossy and muddy dirt flinging me off his back. I hit the cold grass roughly rolling onto my side with the breath being knocked from my lungs.

"Run! Don't turn around! Just run til you get through the Uni gates and I'll catch up to you!" Lucas nodded his head as a sign to hurry. I stood up placing my hand on my sore ribs and booked it as fast as my legs could handle. I could hear loud howls and whines behind me as branches snapped and slammed against the hard surfaces of other trees. My lungs burned from the pressure of air being pushed down my throat and my legs felt heavy.

Don't look back!

Don't look back!

You're okay violet. Just get to the gates!

I hear another howl before silence spread around me except the noise of my shoes pounding against the grass underneath me. Then I heard it. Another set of feet behind me. I didn't slow down. I kept my pace finally seeing the gates of the university in the distance. The footsteps behind me keeping pace with each of my strides.

Please don't eat me! Just a bit farther!

My heart hammered against my chest and couldn't handle it anymore. I couldn't keep running. I came to an abrupt halt to catch my breath as a warm hand caught me by my wrist.

"Lucas!" I breathily exclaimed. He pulled forward as he kept running towards the university without giving me even a glimpse. He didn't even sound out of breath! Lucas dragged me along behind him as my legs began feeling weaker.

"Lucas wait! Do we really have to keep running? My legs. I can barely feel them anymore!" Lucas slowed down and let go of my wrist. "Tch. Do I have to carry you on my back again?" Lucas snickered. I huffed back at him and marched passed him.

"Just so we're BOTH clear you only did that to get me out of the woods." I turned to face him and crossed my arms. "Speaking of which, what happened back there? I'd love some answers since there seems to be no sudden threat now." I could see the glimmer of Lucas's eyes from the moon hanging above us. They showed concern.

"There's nothing to explain. I went for a walk and heard screaming. Luckily I was close enough to find you and realized a frenzied wolf was after you. You were just lucky." Lucas sighed and shoved his hands in his pockets. I scoffed at his statement.

"okay, a wolf. That was no ordinary wolf and we can both admit to that. The thing looked like it had been shot up with steroids! Also, try explaining how that "wolf" was flung like a bug in your face! I've never met you in my life, then you pop up at the university saying we haves classes together and everyone is acting as if my friend max never existed! Please tell me everything is coincidental and in my head." Lucas was quiet after I finished my rant and shifted his body closer leaning in close to my face.

"It was all coincidental violet. It was in your head. A wolf could never be larger than what they are. You really believe I have the strength to fling a wolf 15 feet away? Let's be real Violet." Lucas leans over my ear. His warm breath tickling my neck. "I think you're just a tad bit mad." Lucas leans back and let's out a soft chuckle.

"Just kidding! But I'm sure with it being dark outside and all the adrenaline it seemed as though your surroundings were inhuman. It's normal. So, let's get back and I'll walk you to your dorm room." I hesitated for a moment reeling on Lucas's words.

A tad bit mad huh? Well, maybe I am.

1005 words

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