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I flinched at mr.Robertson's words or who I thought was him. He must be mad! The daughter of a greater demon!? To hell with that!

"What sick joke are you playing at!? I'm a mere human student here!"

Mr.Robertson laughed as he walked up closer to me. My hands shook uncontrollably as his body was only inches from mine. "Your whole life has been a lie y'know? If you'd like to know the truth maybe I can tell you hmm?"

I stood paralyzed as my heart pounded hard against my chest. "what would you know? Nobody is aware of my past! Unless you're working with somebody!" I shivered at the thought of someone actually knowing about my past besides my aunt. Aunt Millie. She took me in when I was 8. She raised me to be who I am today. But, she doesn't even know everything either.

Mr.Robertson sighed and walked back to his desk to sit down. I followed his every move watching for any surprise attack that he may decide to make. " y'know, you don't have to be on guard around me. I'm not someone you should be worried about." I scoffed at his comment. It's as if he was reading my mind. As if I could trust someone who acts as though they know my dark past.

"If I haven't made it clear yet then I will now. My name is Andras. I am the 63rd demon of hell. Summoned by king Solomon. Of course you wouldn't believe me anyways while I'm hidden in such a putrid body as this hmm?"

Believe him? He was psychotic! He honestly believed he was a demon from hell? Although it did seem odd that he brought up my father. But, I need more proof.

"Fine. So, you're supposedly a demon that knows so much about my past. Now then. How about telling me about it." I was scared. What if he brought up the sick situation that happened between me and my father? No no. There's no way. He's just bullshitting.

"Well first, how about taking a seat. I'm not going to do anything so you can stop acting as though you're going to bash my head in. It's impossible either way. You're still weak." Andras grinned a toothy smile and gestured for me to sit across from him. I breathed in heavily but decided to follow his movements and sat in the chair. Andras folded his hands together and pursed his lips. He looked to be in deep thought. Minutes went by and he finally took a deep breath. "You killed your father. Your mother had sexual ties with a demon by the name of Asmodeus. Your human father found this out by the time you were 8. So, your parents had a fight and your father killed your mother. You picked up a hammer and smashed his head in til there was nothing left but ground meat. Am I wrong violet?" Andras leaned in with a wide grin as he placed his chin on top of his folded hands.

My eyes had widened at this point and my hands wouldn't calm themselves. I felt my self shaking violently all the while this piece of shit kept smiling in my face. My face heated up as anger, shame and disgust built up in my chest. "H-how do you know..? WHY do you know?" I looked up at Andras's face and lost it. I picked up the lamp from his desk and smashed it on the ground then proceeded to swipe everything else from the desk against the wall.

My breath caught in my throat when I looked up. Andras or mr.Robertson whoever the hell he was no longer had his eyes glazed over black and he stared at me in absolute shock.

What just happened? Andras was just here! I'm sure I wasn't seeing things! Now I need to come up with a lame excuse on why I acted the way I did?

"I-I'm so sorry..I don't know what got into me. It must be from hitting my head. I should take my leave and go rest. I'll pay for the lamp." I got up quickly and made my way to the door before hesitating a moment. I turned back around once more to make sure what I saw wasn't fake but Mr.Robertson still sat at his desk dumbfounded by the situation that just occurred. I left his office quickly and didn't even look up as I passed mr.Williams on the way.

Maybe I'm the one going crazy. After years of trying to cover up what happened when I was child it's finally biting me in the ass.


I cursed silently as I walked quickly through the empty halls of the college. Something was very off but I couldn't figure out what. Since last night everything has gone by to fast and it seems things have been warped. Everyone I've asked so far isn't aware of who max is but I could've sworn he and I went to the woods last night. I just can't seem to figure out the rest.

I reached my dorm and raced to my room quickly before being spotted by anyone who could bother me. I quickly entered and shut the door behind me. I dropped all of my belongings on the floor and jumped into my bed with out any thought. I shoved my head into my pillow and let out a gut wrenching scream. I balled my hands into fists and repeatedly punched the mattress as I let out ugly sobs. Nothing was making sense anymore. I was so mad and tired that thinking of a plan was exhausting. But, I needed answers. Yet, nobody had them. I allowed my self to cry for several minutes until my throat was sore and my eyes were puffy.  My sobs had finally quieted down and I was able to think more clearly.

Maybe..just maybe..I could go back to the edge of the woods and find an answer. If nobody has them for me then I'll find them myself.

A/N: sorry if this chapter sucks. I was quite tired while writing this chapter but I know I needed to get another one out there. But, hoping to get into more of the good stuff as I go along with this story. ThNks for reading!

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