I Caught you now

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I leaned against the cold brick of the school with my hand over my mouth.

Did I hear that right?

The same Andras that I supposedly talked to in the headmaster's office? The one who told me I was the daughter of a greater demon? Why did he call Lucas by that name?


The way his hands formed into claws. It was terrifying.

What the hell? My legs shook unnervingly as I decided to face Lucas and force him to speak up whether he wanted to or not. I took a deep breath and turned the corner to speak up but Lucas wasn't there.

Where'd he go?

I spun around looking at my surroundings but didn't see him at all. The only other way back into the school was a back door several feet ahead. He wouldn't have made it in time. I sighed in frustration and turned to head back into the building before being slammed up against the brick wall behind me.

"Gah!" I felt the air knock right out of me.

"How long have you been standing there?" I looked up to face Lucas. His face formed in a dark grimace. It gave me shivers.

"I-I just got here." I spoke sheepishly turning my head so I wasn't looking at him. I'm sure Lucas could tell I was lying. I wasn't a very good liar.

"What did you hear?" Lucas looked as though a dark aura wrapped around his body. I gulped. What would he do if I told him? My palms became sweaty and I felt myself grow weak. I've never seen him so scary before.

"I..I heard and saw everything." I squeezed my eyes closed right out of fear that Lucas would either yell at me or tear my face off. Either one didn't seem like a great choice.

Lucas leaned in and I felt his breath against my neck. It tickled and left goosebumps. He grabbed my arms and placed them over my head. His leg slid between my thighs and I knew I was completely pinned.

"Lu-Lucas! Let g-" I was cut off by Lucas's irritated tone.
"Tell me exactly what you heard!" I hesitated and only thought of ways to get out of the position I was in. Although a part of me was enjoying being pinned I needed to focus on what I originally wanted to talk to Lucas about. I gritted my teeth and slammed my head against his forcing him to let go of my wrists and back away a few steps.

As he rubbed his forehead cussing I grabbed his free arm and swung him up against the wall instead. Lucas stared at me wide eyed and then gave me a satisfied smirk as a red lump began to form between his eyes.

"Oh how the turn tables." He snickered.

I grunted at his ridiculous comment. "Are we really quoting lines from the office right now?" Lucas shrugged. I sighed and decided to let go of his arms. " look, I didn't mean to pop in on your conversation with your friend but you've been caught now and I want my damn answers." This was it. Whether it's not the answer I want it'll be better than me in the dark. Lucas looked away and stared up into the sky for a few moments.

"Follow me." Is all Lucas said before setting foot back into the school.


Lucas trotted the halls with me lingering behind. I had no clue what was happening nor had the courage to even ask. We stopped at a door near the library which had a do not enter sign written in big red letters plastered on it.

The school basement?

I looked up at Lucas and scoffed. "So, is this how you're planning my demise for hearing your conversation?" He looked at me for a second and rolled his eyes.

"If you're going to come up with smart ass remarks then at least make them Funny." Lucas sounded so serious but I could see the small grin on his lips.

"What's down here anyways that could give me the answers I need?" Lucas pushed the door open and placed his hand out for me to take.

"You'll just have to find out won't you?"

I huffed and grabbed his hand as we ventured down the smelly and damp stairs.

(I kinda rushed this one because I'm tired but it's been a while since I posted another chapter so thought maybe two chapters in two days would suffice 😅)

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