Author's Note:

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*So, this is my book cover! It's not much but it's something. So, about the story, as I said in my announcement(if you guys have read it), this is basically my version of the story. You guys can think of it as a spoof or an improvement for Sing. I like improving movies and think of ways to really draw in more audiences for this show. Personally, quick review, I really enjoy the movie. However, I felt like it's something people are going to forget it ever existed and it had so much potential but it went wasted because Illumination is crappy at their job(over-advertising all the funny jokes, make the story less interesting and more generic, and they don't give their characters much depth and they don't even try anymore). And even adding pop songs and cliches to "fit in with the modern generation". Even though there's nothing wrong with using cliche...but do something more interesting with the cliche. Or add pop music that actually fits the story instead of having it pop up randomly. So...the pop songs I added will be used in the story to demonstrate what I mean. It can boost characters up, it can be a montage of the characters doing something, or it can be used to tell emotions from how the characters feel. Enough with my rant, enjoy this version of Sing and I hope you all enjoy this better than the movie. Warning: These characters are not mine. They belong with Illumination. The only character I made up is the one called Babeesh. Enjoy!*

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