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Auditory noise and head noise was starting to riot in my head. This office was huge, and there are approximately about 20 other people I could hear in my head.

The monotonous complaining and cursing at the CEO for handing out this piece of work. Imagine the pressure I have from sitting next to the CEO's daughter, who was also one of my closer friends in the company.

All that I could hear from her were words, not even properly structured sentences. All that I processed while she worked were 'Fuck', 'Fucker' and 'Bastard'. Well who knew who she was cursing at today? It wasn't new that things like that happened.

Well, here's the thing about the twisted world we live in. Everyone was born with a special gift since young, and it takes a while for people to figure what kind of gift this was, be it a useless or a precious one.

To me, nothing was useless. All were precious since it truly gives us the uniqueness in each and everyone of us.

I had just figured mine out a week ago after noticing the double voices I seemed to pick up when someone was speaking.

The first one being their auditory voice; the voice that they spoke. And the second being their head voice; their thoughts basically.

I was initially confused because the words I hear seemed to be implying one thing, but the words I picked up in my head were contrasting. I really thought I was hallucinating for a good while until one day I asked my other colleague, Lisa whether she was thinking about sex while delivering a presentation in front of the group of members organising a Charity event.

To my final relief, she said yes and that was how I found my answer to this unanswered question in my life.

I still haven't told anyone about it yet since I wanted it to be a quiet thing that nobody will know unless they really need to.

I wonder when this hell is going to end... I managed to pick out this one specific voice from the crowd of seeming zombies. It was Lisa's voice. I never want to intrude on what other people were doing because it made me feel bad for somewhat plagiarising their ideas, but Lisa... That girl never thinks of work when she needed to.

Just then, a loud 'What the fuck?!' screamed at me. I shudder subtly at the volume of it. The voice was Jennie's, and I could hear her punching her keyboard in a controlled manner so she doesn't disturb everyone else.

I chuckled silently at her, "Is the computer giving you a hard time Jennie?" She groaned as I leaned over the partition to her desk, watching her as she stared at the blank white page on her computer screen. "Or..."

"I want to get out of this place and go somewhere fun," she said in a sulking manner. Jennie retracted her hands from her keyboard as she leaned back into her chair, covering her face with her hands miserably, "I hate being stuck in this god damn place sitting here for what? 12 hours a day?"

I can't help but let out a small laughter. That's the thing about Jennie since she's started working here because CEO wanted her to take over his business, since she was his only child. He was still a pretty young man, so I really don't understand why he would put her through what she calls 'hell'.

"Tell your Dad about it then," I suggested, turning my office chair towards her and leaning back too.

She sighed and removed her hands from her very pretty face. She probably got that from her mother.

"I wish it was that easy Jisoo," she mumbled sadly. If only he'll listen to what I actually want. Jennie blinked a couple of times before sitting back upright, "Whatever, I'll just do what I can."

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