Donut | Chapter 11

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I exhaled heavily upon sitting on my office chair. My neck hurt from my sleep last night, I supposed I slept in the wrong position, and God I barely got any sleep trying to put my mind to sleep.

Has she eaten?

Oh there she is, worrying about everyone else before she even reached the office. I bury my head under the partition, an unknowing smile creeping it's way onto my face. Knowing she's here and not thinking about Park Jae Yeon made me feel at ease.

"Oh hello Jisoo unnie," she greeted with a smile.


I think she already ate, but no harm giving it to her right? She looked at me with a troubled expression. I blinked. Yeah just give it to her.

I tilted my head, "Is there something you want to say?"

Her thoughts showed a bright image of her in her father's office with that filth of a man.

Just when I thought this was all over, I guess it never ends, does it? Even the future is set in place for them. Jesus Christ.

"I uhm actually got some donuts on the way here with Dad. I wanted to offer you some donuts in case you haven't eaten," she said, opening the lid of the donut box. Please say you haven't eaten your breakfast.

I usually skip my breakfast because I get a food coma if I eat my breakfast, but since she was so kind to think of me, it's harsh for me to reject her.

"I'll have on—"

"Right you don't take your breakfas—"

We interrupted each other as we spoke, and I laughed. It was rather funny that we spoke at the same time and cut each other off mid-sentence.

Why do I know she doesn't take her breakfast? She looks troubled again. She probably told me right? Yeah she says too much every time.

I was rather confused too because I don't remember anyone knowing that I don't eat my breakfast. As far as I'm concerned, even my own parents didn't know.

"Yes I was going to have a donut before you so rudely cut me off," I joked, reaching to pick a donut out.

"Have as many as you'd like," she replied with a bright smile. This box is meant for us both anyway.

I smile into my donut. Sometimes her thoughts give off a very different personality from the words she spoke.

Oh my god I smell donuts from Jennie's table. That was the voice of the man. I shut my eyes in annoyance. He's not going to ruin my mood today.

I wonder what kind of gift Jae Yeon has...

Not Jennie too? Please I thought I had enough.

Just about then, I heard someone gasp in exaggeration, "Are those Krispy Kreme donuts?"

I wish I didn't recognise that voice, but I did. The four of us turned around, and Jennie blinked at the man. Right. Maybe I can ask him about this.

"Hi Jennie," Jae Yeon greeted with a warm smile. I expected her to offer him a donut from our box but she doesn't. She didn't even think of offering him a donut to my utter surprise.

What is he doing here? Lisa asked in my mind.

I shrugged it off.

"Hi Jae Yeon," Jennie greeted. He looks hungry considering how he's eyeing the donuts.

I looked at what he was looking at— my ankle. Jennie doesn't know what's happening because she assumed he was eyeing the donuts, but he's so weird. Who looks at people's ankles?

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