A Changed Person | Chapter 34

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The next day came, and Jennie was still curled up in a ball under the blanket.

I got up and washed up first, since we had plans to go to an art museum today.

When I stared at myself in the mirror, I noticed how radiant I looked.

Jennie was the reason why I'm this happy, this healthy. She's the reason why I've always been carrying my head high up, believing in myself.

Isn't that what love does? It changes you. It makes you want to be a better person for the person you love— to be enough for them, to be their home. It makes you a totally different person.

And me? I'm happy with the Jisoo that Jennie had made and moulded. She's a totally different person, but definitely a more loving, caring and compassionate person.

Ever imagined how the Jisoo who was nothing but Jennie's mere mentor; fierce, closed-off, upset at everyone, turned into such a loving, and fun person?

Well, maybe it's hard for you to believe it.

But it's not hard for me at all.

Because, if you were loved by Jennie Kim, you'd shine brighter than the sun. You'd see the light at the end of the darkness, like a passage for you, calling out to you.

She had this kind of effect on anybody.

Even the world's most sour lemon tastes sweet when she's happy; you'll forget all your pains and smile because of how beautiful her smile is.

I love Jennie. I think I've always did. The façade about being protective because I was her mentor— it was all just an act to convince myself that I would never, ever fall for such a soft person.

I suppose God always has his ways of screwing us up in some way, just that he screwed my life up for the better.

Remember that time after I met up with Yuna and went outside by her window? It's a core memory in my head.

Just imagine having the guts to stand by Jennie's window with someone else's kiss lingering on your lips, begging for forgiveness by asking her out on a late night walk.

Pathetic, isn't it? And— God! Hiding behind the lamp post because I stayed behind to watch. That's honestly the most embarrassing and the most "simp" thing I've done for anybody.

And the whole soulmate frenzy with Park Jae Yeon. Until today, I would never admit that I was actually jealous rather than trying to poke fun at Jennie. It made me feel this odd burn in my chest hearing that she was someone else's soulmate, and thank the heavens! She's mine.

I smiled recalling how far we've come.

Just then, a pair of hands snaked around my waist and she rested her chin on my shoulder. Her warmth lit me up from inside out, making me feel fuzzy and at home again.

"You're so pretty smiling," she muttered groggily with a tired smile. She placed a gentle kiss on my cheek, "I love you Jisoo."

My smile widened, "I love you too Jendeukie."

She hugged me tighter, then looking at me through the reflection in the mirror, "Doesn't this sight look familiar?"

Ah yes, that sight I saw when Jennie was figuring out her gift. So... this. This was what she saw.

It was you all along.

Sounds a bit cliché, don't you think?

"Cliché but it's true," she said.

"Let me brush my teeth," I said, trying to hide my smile.

She whined, "Let me appreciate this moment for a little longer, you don't know how long I've been waiting to see when that vision would happen."

You couldn't have done this earlier then?


Oh. All of you wished you could be me.

When we arrived at the art museum, Jennie was excited like a small child. I loved taking her out on dates because she's excited, and it makes me excited too.

It does encourage my inner child to jump out, and it's not really something I show with just anybody.

Only Jennie knew how much of a child I can be.

"Look here!" Jennie called, raising her phone to take a picture of me.

I held out tickets up and smiled. A smile came on her face after she took the photo.

"I love this picture so much, it's going to be my new wallpaper," she said, showing it to me.

I frowned, "I look bad, retake the picture!"

"No! You look good anytime," she replied.

"I refuse!" I exclaimed.

She stuck her tongue out at me, "I'm posting this on my story."

I rolled my eyes and muttered under my breath, "Whatever."

We started to walk through the different exhibitions.

She really loved museums and their vibe.

Truth be told. I'm not much of a museum person, but with her— or should I say... After her, I've learned to love museums because of how much she loved them. As long as she loved something, that item or place is automatically my favourite thing, because it could make her smile so genuinely, so brightly.

I don't think she knows how much I love her.

And I think that's something that nobody else would know either.

Not even I can describe how it felt. All I knew was that:

Nobody could love anyone else as much as I loved Jennie Kim.

"Are you hungry?" I asked as we walked out of the museum hand-in-hand.

She shook her head, "Not really. But I'm dying for some ice cream."

I smiled, "Let's go get some then."

Her eyes lit up.

"I know a good place for milk ice cream," I say again, smiling.

"Milk ice cream is my fa—"

"It's your favourite," I beat her to it. "I know."

She scrunched her nose, "How'd you know?"

Well, if I wanted to be a good girlfriend, don't I have to know things you like dummy?

"You're not wrong," she said, winking at me playfully.

God, this girl drives me insane.

a/n: next chapter will be the last chapter sadly :(

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