Night Walk | Chapter 12

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After work ended, I ended up in the same lift as Jae Yeon. He wasn't looking at my heels this time, which was kind of a relief.

"Hey uh thanks for helping me with the report," he uttered, not even bothering to look at me. Asshole.

I scoffed, "It's nothing."

I was rather curious of his gift though, but it would be really awkward to ask him directly about it.

This is so awkward please get me out of here.

Oh trust me, you're not alone.

"Did the donut taste extra sweet?" I asked sarcastically.

He snapped his head around, "No." His eyes narrowed at me, and I swore I could see his tiny pea brain through those eyes. God, he's so good for nothing. Jealous bitch.

"You must wish you're me," I spat. Me, jealous? They don't go in the same sentence stupid man.

He hardened his features, "I think you should be saying that to yourself."

"Why would I be jealous of you? You're the most incompetent worker ever." Truth only. Hashtag, speaking from the heart.

Oh you wanna go? He laughed, "Perhaps because Jennie and I are bound together by fate. You must be jealous. Having troubles getting into the pants of the CEO's daughter to get promoted Kim Jisoo?"

I bit my inner lip. This kind of thinking— I hated this. I hate him and his words. Jennie is more than just the CEO's daughter. She's not a fucking object, she's a human with feelings as valid as anybody in this fucking universe. If another person refers to her as merely the CEO's daughter, I would solemnly swear to tear their head off.

"You know, I feel sorry for her because she's bounded to such a shallow person. A man who knows nothing about love, but only about making himself seem good. You're a good for nothing idiot who knows nothing about Jennie. She deserves so much better than just a douchebag like you," I spat again.

His pupils constricted, and I could tell that my words hit his fragile masculine ego. If I could end him now, I would.

"You're just upset because you can't have her," he barely said. Then the lift doors opened and he exited.

Why does everyone think I'm jealous when someone gets remotely close to Jennie? But the real question is...

Do I actually get jealous?

I don't feel that burning and piercing feeling. I just feel like I need to keep her away from harm. Protectiveness and jealousy are two very different things right?

I got into my car, and my phone chimed.


you left your donuts behind

you said they were for the both of us

i never said that

well you thought that so i'm going home


I laughed and drove out of the carpark. The sun was setting, and the skies were pink. It looked like a nice evening to bring Dalgom out for a walk. Maybe I should.

When I got home, Dalgom wagged his tail excitedly, and I caressed him.

"Wanna go for a walk Dalgomie?" He barks in response and I smile.

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