Old Flame? | Chapter 14

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Speak about me and self-control. We used to be best friends, but now? I don't think we are.

I glanced at the digital clock in the car. 19:04.

I wonder if she'll still be there. Imagine if she was just pranking me, that'll be hilarious for everyone to see.

I made the turn into the restaurant and trudged out of the car. Why did I think of wearing this awful leather jacket? It's so warm. But I had to return it to her. It's rightfully hers either way.

When I stepped in, I notice a blonde girl sitting by the windows, gazing out quietly. It would be hard to not recognise her, how her blonde hair just stood out in the sea of brown and black.

She was an attention-seeker anyway.

I walked over and left the bunch of keys she left for me on the table, getting her attention effectively.

The way her eyes lit up— I refused to believe it was real. Nothing is real around her anymore. Not after what she did.

"Oh my god you came!" she exclaimed, wrapping her arms around me tightly.

I swallowed, keeping my hands at bay. She still used the same perfume she did last time, and it was the one that I gifted her on her birthday.

She pulled away, "Please sit."

I do as told, keeping my mouth completely shut. I had nothing to say, but I could only look. She was still as beautiful as she used to be, such gentle features with an attitude.

I just wished she knew how much she meant to me.

"Hi can we get two BLTs please? Oh and uh two strawberry milkshakes."

"Make it one. Replace it with a vanilla milkshake," I corrected.

Her brown eyes laid upon me, "Oh— I thought you loved strawberries..."

I looked at her with the most emotionless look I could give, "That changed."

She smiled, "Right."

It went silent, and I was practically sweating out of anxiety. So I took the leather jacket off, and I placed it on the table.

Her eyes landed on it, "You kept it?"

I didn't respond. Well no shit? If I didn't keep it why the hell would it still be here? Dumb ass. Always with the dumb ass questions.

"So uh... How's things with you Chu?" she asked. The nickname slipped out of her mouth so easily, it felt so natural. Of course, it's been easy for her. But not for me.

"I'm still me."

Sorry if my tone is harsh, but I couldn't let my guard down again. Not around you.

"I can see that," she chuckled awkwardly. "Well uh... I actually got scouted into a company to model— I mean it's not like you care anyway."

"You're right. I don't care."

Her eyes showed pain by how harsh I was, and I couldn't help but let the pain consume me too. I promise, I don't mean to hurt you but I really just couldn't do this for another minute.

So direct. As she always is.

I was dreading what she was going to say, but I could feel it in my bones that it was coming soon. Silence always calls for an apology.

"Look Jisoo— I'm sorry—"

"No. Don't."


"Don't start with your apologies. I'm not going to forgive you Yuna. Not after you just left without even telling me god damn it!"

The waitress came and served us our food. How timely, thanks for breaking the ice waitress. I'll make sure to tip you.

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