Pushing Buttons | Chapter 16

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The week passed quickly with a lot of work. I was really anticipating this week to end because that'll mean that Yuna would go back.

At least she wouldn't hinder my life anymore, in a good way...

I put on a black dress and headed to the office.

He's being replaced already?

I exited the lift to see the commotion in the office.

There were people whispering to each other. I walked to my seat, "What's going on here?"

Jennie was wearing a scarlet dress and it was really striking. She looked so good in it. Red is really her colour...

Okay enough.

"Dad's hiring someone to replace Jae Yeon today, and apparently we're having a small welcome for her," Jennie explained with a shrug.

I snickered, "She sounds important."

Jennie shrugged again, "Don't know."

"Hopefully she's competent unlike him," I commented before turning my computer on.

She looks really nice in this dress. Should I...?

"Are you ready for tonight?" I asked, trying to brush her thoughts away from me.

She shrugged, "I guess. Yuna's doing most of the talking anyway."

Lisa butted in, "Do you like my beige coloured blazer? I'm matching with Rosie!" She pulled the other girl's chair over, "Look! We're so cute."

We're so cute indeed. Chaeyoung thought.

I smiled, "You two look good together."

Jennie rolled her eyes, "Matching colours is so childish."

Lisa scowled at Jennie, "You're just upset that Jisoo didn't wear red to match."

I— What? Jennie blinked, "I don't want to match with her. Black is a boring colour." Black is literally my favourite colour.

I laughed, "I thought your favourite colour's black?"

Jennie glared at me, "I like wearing red, have a problem?"

I shook my head with a smile, "No." I wriggled my eyebrows at her as I checked her out, "Definitely not..."

She smacked my arm, "Stop it!" She was totally checking me out.

Not wrong there.

Lisa snorted. Kim Jisoo you're so whipped.

I glanced at her, "And you're whipped cream for Park Chaeyoung."

Chaeyoung blushes, "I like whipped cream..."

Lisa blushes too, and I nearly gagged. This wasn't where I was headed.

Lisa suddenly straightened her posture, "I hear someone coming."

I shrugged it off, "Probably the new gir—"

"No—" Jennie interrupted me. "No freaking way..."

The image of a girl walking out the lift flashed in my head. God damn it, will I stop seeing her bloody thoughts?

"No way!" Jennie exclaimed before bolting into her father's office, leaving the three of us bewildered.

Now, this was weird.

Mr Kim walked out of his office and Jennie returned back to her seat all jumpy and excited. I can't believe it!

"Can't believe what?" I asked softly.

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